Non-invasive body sculpting is the latest craze. In our July August issue, we wrote about a variety of therapies now available, including Exilis, Zerona and CoolSculpting,  explaining how each treatment worked. But I was skeptical of both their effectiveness and the longevity of their results. So we decided to put them to the test.

Partnering with Executive Wellness of Indian Wells who agreed to take the good with the bad (and appeared much more confident than I), I decided to try the Exilis for facial rejuvenation and Zerona on my ever-stubborn saddlebags (thighs). Their promised results sounded too good to be true: a non-surgical facelift with Exilis and exercise-free fat burning with Zerona.

before-after-jawIn preparation for Zerona, it was recommended that I take four natural supplements: niacin, milk thistle, ginkgo biloba and green tree extract to help dissolve and expel fat cells (Ah-ha! The secret weight loss ingredient, I thought). Then we created a treatment schedule, and as with any attempt to transform your body, a commitment of time is required.  Zerona is three 40-minute treatments per week for 4 weeks and Exilis is one 30-minute treatment weekly for 4 weeks. You can do the treatments on the same day, so I committed myself for the month of July. Starting measurements were taken and we were off!

So as not to influence the results, I didn’t change my diet or exercise routine; however, massaging the area post-Zerona is recommended, so I scheduled my treatments prior to yoga class which I believe proved beneficial.

The Zerona treatments are simple. The cold laser therapy never comes in contact with your skin, which adds to the doubt of its effectiveness. Half way through my treatments, I hadn’t lost any weight and was convinced it was a waste of time.

Because the therapy continues to burn fat, I was told to wait a week before returning for final measurements. I understood that the average inches lost with Zerona is 6 (2 here, 2 there, etc.) and thus, was completely shocked to see that I had lost 13!! 3 on my waist, 2 mid-abdomen, 4 on my hips, and the best news, 3 on each thigh! Dr. Olesnicky attributed the lack of weight loss to gained muscle (possibly from the post treatment exercise). I truly couldn’t believe it. But would it last?

Two months later I re-measured using the same exact areas as distance from the floor is noted in your chart. I had gained 4 inches back, but it was on my upper areas and not my thighs which were the direct areas treated. I was now a believer.

before-after-chinThe Exilis really wowed me. It uses radiofrequency technology to break down collagen which is then rebuilt presenting smoother, tighter skin. But it all takes place below the surface, so there is no redness or visual effects on the skin at all. The treatment is very hot however, and requires a certain level of tolerance. Worth it? I think so. These results were visual. My jowls elevated, cheekbones enhanced, and crow’s feet minimized. But the biggest difference I noticed was the smoothness of my skin. It feels new – and the best part? You continue to see results for up to six months.

I’m a firm believer that proper nutrition, exercise and ample rest are the best prescriptions for a toned body and beautiful skin; however, today’s technology is providing us with a few effective boosters which are certainly worth a try.

Two weeks ago I received the best compliment from a friend I hadn’t seen in a while. “You look younger every time I see you,” she said and I replied with a smile, “I have my secrets.”

Exilis and Zerona treatments are offered at Executive Wellness, a part of Executive Urgent Care in Indian Wells under the direction for Bohdan Olesnicky, M.D. For pricing and additional information, please contact them at (760) 346.9354. 

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