The Greatest Health Influencer

If you have glimpsed at magazine racks in grocery store check-out lines lately, you know that “anti-inflammation” appears to be the latest and greatest health craze. Yet, anti-inflammation has been at the core of health care for centuries and addressing the cause has always been a core principle of naturopathic medicine.  So, while not the… Read more »

Liver Health 101

The liver may just be our most under-appreciated organ. It is commonly known as the star of detoxification, but what about its role in metabolism, digestion, nutrient storage, protein synthesis, immune function, hormone regulation and blood filtration? Protecting, supporting and regenerating your liver can positively impact your health in holistic ways as it works behind… Read more »

30 Minutes Once a Week Works

If you have read the latest fitness science then you know that weight training has significant benefits – especially as our bodies age: improved metabolism and body mass index (ratio of fat compared to muscle), lower cholesterol, better bone density, and sharper cognitive function, not to mention more strength, stamina and balance. But what if… Read more »

Why Everyone Should Use Glucometers for Better Health

Blood sugar testing with a glucometer is a great tool for anyone to assess their body’s unique response to food and lifestyle choices. We normally associate blood sugar testing with diabetes, but this tool can be helpful to support health goals such as improving body composition, making exercise and diet changes, identifying your carbohydrate tolerance,… Read more »