Chocolate Avocado Pudding

Have you tried avocado pudding yet? We featured this recipe many years ago and I had to bring it back for those who have not yet discovered this decadent delight. It is still one of the best desserts I have ever tasted, and because of its guilt-free ingredients, I can never get enough.  It’s a… Read more »

A Twist on “Toasting” the Holiday

Toasting the season with a warm, aromatic mug of wassail is a tradition as old as time. The boozy beverage dates back to the Middle Ages and comes from the Old English saying wes hál meaning “be in good health.”  However, most wassail recipes are far from healthy, with brandy or sherry and brown sugar… Read more »

Barriers to Better Health

I recently watched the classic heartwarming movie “Swiss Family Robinson” about a family shipwrecked on a Polynesian island. Beyond battling with pirates and wild animals, they make a home and thrive on the abundant foods found on the island. There are no foods in bags or boxes…no food labels…nothing is processed. If we are careful… Read more »

Ensuring Quality Drinking Water

Gone are the days we could drink directly from a clear stream. Today, the clean water flowing from our faucets – and even bottled water – can harbor hidden pollutants. However, thanks to advances in technology, many modern-day contaminants can be filtered out; we just need to know what to look for.  Water companies work… Read more »

Medicine in Your Kitchen

Everyday food items have been used medicinally for thousands of years. By harnessing the healing properties of common foods found in our kitchens, individuals can access cost-effective, potentially effective therapeutic interventions. Allium vegetables (onions, garlic, etc.), cayenne pepper, vinegar, olive oil and turmeric offer a treasure of medicinal benefits that align with the principles of… Read more »

Seed Oils: Industrial Revolution to Health Revelation

You’ve probably heard the buzz – researchers and health professionals everywhere sounding off on the potential health risks associated with consuming industrial seed oils, such as soybean, canola, corn, sunflower and safflower oils. These oils, once heralded as heart-healthy alternatives to saturated fats, are now being scrutinized for their destructive effects on our brains, guts,… Read more »

Our Local Mushroom Farm

Gourmet mushrooms are certainly enjoying their glory days. These superfood superstars are showing up everywhere, from our coffee to the main course, as consumers and chefs realize their nutritional value, adaptability, texture and taste. Growers across the country are jumping on the shroom boom bringing the Pennsylvania natives to boutique farms in city and suburbs… Read more »

The Water Cure

Warm water aids digestion. Those four words are part of Ayurveda, traditional Chinese medicine and naturopathic medicine as taught in Germany. I have used warm water for the treatment of a variety of ailments of the gastrointestinal tract such as difficulty swallowing, indigestion and irritable bowel syndrome. When patients ask me what I take for… Read more »

Go(A2)t Milk?

Maybe you are like me, and although you don’t have a full-blown diary allergy, you consciously consume dairy and have earmarked which forms affect you and how – stomach grumbles, maybe a bathroom trip and/or sinus congestion. I’ve tried alternatives, each with their pros and cons (taste being a theme in the con column) and… Read more »

Healthier Holiday Baking: Nut Flours

Mother Nature’s goal for fall is to fatten us up for the cold winter ahead. So she gave us apples and pumpkins…which usually end up in irresistible pies…topped with ice cream. These nostalgic months tempt us with seasonal tastes we’ve been anticipating all year, and there is no reason to deny ourselves. With a few… Read more »


Lolo’s Low-carb Lasagna

My husband and I both grew up with warm memories of our Italian roots and most of them revolved around food. Even though we now enjoy a low-carb, gluten-free lifestyle, we have found many satisfying substitutes to keep those traditions alive. Experimenting is half the fun; eating is the other! When it comes to pasta,… Read more »

Lose Weight, Think Straight with MCT

If your 2022 resolutions include losing weight and/or enhancing mental sharpness, lowering carbohydrate intake is a good place to start; then, you can easily expedite your efforts by adding MCT oil. This natural, coconut additive can effectively curb your appetite, enhance energy and fuel brain cells when coupled with a healthy low-carb diet.1,3  Medium chain… Read more »

Cooking Up Some Healthy Fun

As you may have read on page three, our favorite former NBC anchor, columnist and friend, Janet Zappala, has moved back to her hometown of Los Angeles. However, she is still working to spread the word on healthy living through her new show, “Good Food Matters with Janet Zappala,” which will air on Amazon… Read more »

Healthier Pastas (Even Nonni Might Enjoy!)

Who doesn’t love pasta? If you grew up in an Italian family, preparing and eating a hearty plate of spaghetti warms your heart like a big kiss from Nonni.  But for those who have chosen a gluten- or grain-free lifestyle, eating pasta can send your stomach spiraling. While many gluten-free options are available, those made… Read more »

Salty Solutions

Making healthier choices doesn’t mean giving up everything you love and crave; it’s about finding satisfying, convenient alternatives and getting creative! In this new column, I’ll share ideas and favorites. Today’s topic: SALTY SOLUTIONS Who doesn’t love salt? We know it’s something to be consumed in moderation, but we all crave it, and unfortunately, the… Read more »