One of the nice things about a free market economy is competition, which creates the incentive to be better at what we do. In medicine, we strive to achieve our patients’ goals more predictably, with shorter recovery and less down time. The competition between health care providers, medical device companies and pharmaceutical companies encourages evolution… Read more »

Corrective Rhinoplasty
- By Andrew Ordon, MD, FACS, ABPS, ASPS
- September/October 2016
Plastic surgery results usually come out great, but there are exceptions. Unsatisfactory results occur often enough that some surgeons, like me, develop a reputation as being the go-to man to rescue a bad result. When a surgical nose result is bad, it’s very troubling to a person. It cannot be concealed. Make up helps a… Read more »
The Lips Speak Volumes
- Ritu Chopra, MS, MD
- July/August 2016
Lips speak to people – literally and figuratively. Even when someone isn’t talking, a down-turned corner of the mouth says, “I disapprove. I’m sad. I’m angry.” That’s not so bad if you are expressing sadness, anger or disapproval, but what if you aren’t? Lips can betray you and say something that isn’t true or correct.… Read more »
One of my favorite movies of all times is the 1997 HBO movie Breast Men with David Schwimmer and Chris Cooper. It was humorous and astonishingly accurate with regards to the evolution of the modern implant and the eventual controversy that enveloped it. There is something new with breast implant design that just came out,… Read more »
In my practice, 2015 could be called “The Year of the Rear” because buttock procedures have exploded in popularity. Both men and women are having procedures done in higher numbers than ever before. The most commonly requested procedure is known as the Brazilian butt lift. There are a handful of high profile celebrities that deny… Read more »
Twenty years ago, non-invasive options for cosmetic improvement were few and were crude compared with what is available today. Collagen and silicone injections were the only options for fillers, and chemical peels were the solitary choice for skin resurfacing. The collagen of yesterday was effective for a very short time compared with today’s options, and… Read more »
Liposuction has been around since the mid-seventies. First used by an Italian gynecologist, the French surgeon Dr. Illouz was the first to apply the procedure to purely cosmetic cases. The technology has come a long way since then, but traditional liposuction remains a mainstay in plastic surgery. The primary goal of the advancing technology is… Read more »
Lasers have always seemed futuristic. But they are a daily phenomenon at any plastic surgeon’s office or medical spa. As with any technology, cosmetic laser technology advances quickly and can be challenging to keep up with. And with so many advertisements and promotional pitches, the promises of minimal downtime and amazing results are easy… Read more »
That Sneaky Desert Sun
- By Ritu Chopra, MD
- July/August 2015
Okay, I will admit it; I am trying to scare you. The big, bad summer is here and with it comes the threat of too much heat, too much sun, and the danger and risk that accompanies both. You might say, “I know, I know. I wear sun block” or “I’ll become prematurely aged and… Read more »
Scarred. It can mean a lot of things, both physical and emotional. The physical scar can remind us of an event or process that we’d rather not have experienced. Surprisingly, improvement or elimination of the scar can bring about a kind of healing and recovery that no amount of acceptance or therapy can produce. While… Read more »
Plastic surgeons used to focus on “removing the problem.” Eyelid bagginess? Remove the fat. Jowls on the jaw line? Suck it out and cut away some skin. Droopy brow? Take away a strip of the scalp. But times change and new philosophies have emerged regarding facial rejuvenation. Retaining the fullness of youth is a new… Read more »
I am delighted to have the opportunity to present a regular column about the latest news in cosmetic and reconstructive surgery. I am very passionate about my chosen field and am always striving to be better, know more, stay current, perfect technique and offer my Coachella Valley patients the newest and best that plastic surgery… Read more »