Update on Cryoablation for Breast Cancer

As many readers know, I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2018. Following extensive research, I chose to do cryoablation (cry-o-a-blay-shun), a minimally invasive procedure which freezes the tumor and was in clinical trials at City of Hope at the time. The therapy was successful for me and others, but with COVID, many facilities stopped… Read more »

Understanding Fat as Stored Energy

I want you to think differently about body fat. The biology of how body fat forms is simple: Carbohydrates are rapid-energy foods, but consuming more than we use for energy triggers insulin to form body fat. So, it’s important to understand that consuming fat from foods like nuts, seeds, eggs and cheese does not make… Read more »

Your Best Health Handbook

The vast array of books on healthy foods, latest diets and proper habits can be overwhelming. They all seem to say something different and it’s hard to know which recommendations are right for you. What if you could hire a doctor to read them all and provide you with the best recommendations specific to your… Read more »

A New Era of Possibility

The world feels different lately, doesn’t it? People are talking about rapid change, heightened emotions and a growing sense that something profound is happening — both within and around us. This conversation, particularly vibrant in spiritual communities, often centers around a concept known as the Earth’s frequency shift. Some call it a journey toward the… Read more »

Food Is Love

When was the last time you prepared food for a loved one? Whether it was the favorite dish of a child returning home from college, fresh groceries and soup for a sick friend, or a celebratory feast to mark the new year, food is at the heart of relationships. It is a focal point when… Read more »

Back on Course

A well-executed golf swing is a seamless combination of precision and poise, and one of the most powerful states of flow one can experience. Yet, for many, this joy is cut short by an all-too-common adversary: back pain. Protecting the spine is vital to staying on course.  A golfer’s spine is the engine behind their… Read more »

Regenerative Medicine: A Modern Approach to Enhancing Mobility

Joint and spine ailments can severely limit mobility and diminish quality of life, especially as we age. Treatment options for conditions like chronic knee pain and spinal discomfort have traditionally been medications to manage pain and surgical procedures. Unfortunately, these treatments often do not result in the desired improvement in pain and mobility.  Today, regenerative… Read more »

Understanding Hair Loss

Hair loss is a common and challenging condition affecting millions worldwide. Hair loss is often associated with aging, however, other factors including genetics, hormonal changes, stress and illness can contribute to hair loss at any age. The condition can occur in stages and result in different types of hair thinning and baldness.  The impact of… Read more »

Surviving Cancer Against the Odds

More and more people are discovering means for overcoming cancer against dire medical prognoses. For some, the words “get your affairs in order” are mentally the beginning of the end, while others find the recommendation tremendously motivating.   Factors that contribute to the final outcome vary, and there is certainly no one-size-fits-all. However, those who… Read more »

The Power of Exosomes in Regenerative Medicine

Regenerative medicine is a transformative field focused on repairing, replacing and regenerating damaged tissues and organs by harnessing the body’s natural healing processes. Since 2024, this term has become increasingly popular as more people seek holistic and less invasive alternatives to traditional medical treatments. As a physician with over 20 years of experience in internal… Read more »

Dr. van Tulleken’s Ultra-Processed People

Dr. van Tulleken’s Ultra-Processed People Chris van Tulleken, MD, PhD is an infectious diseases physician at the Hospital for Tropical Diseases in London. He trained at Oxford and has a PhD in molecular virology from University College London. He is best known in England for his interest in food science and the harms caused by… Read more »

Consciousness Does Matter

The title of this article is a double entendre. In part, it refers to an ongoing chicken/egg debate about which came first, consciousness or matter. But, it also refers to something long discussed in spiritual circles, which is that varying forms of matter exist just as varying forms of consciousness exist. We’ll discuss the matter… Read more »

Dr. Lyon’s Forever Strong

Gabrielle Lyon, MD has shifted the discussion of wellness to a focus on skeletal muscle as the key to long-term health. She is the founder of Muscle Centric Medicine and treats patients from all over the world in her New York City office. She is board certified in family medicine and geriatrics and studied nutritional… Read more »

The Healing Power of Honey

Honey is an extremely effective homeopathic treatment for a wide variety of ailments. It has been used in the treatment of disease for thousands of years, as evidenced by early Stone Age paintings depicting its use and extensive references in religious texts. Traditional medical writings outline honey’s use as a treatment of eye disease, bronchial… Read more »

Does NAD+ Really Work?

NAD+ (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) is a popular supplement in the anti-aging realm, as significant research supports its effectiveness in enhancing energy production. My husband’s integrative doctor, Joe Scherger, MD, has had him taking it orally for several years. But because it works at the cellular level, it’s hard to directly measure its efficacy, and while… Read more »

Omega-3 Benefits and Risks

Omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to deliver health benefits for cardiovascular support, cognitive function and joint integrity. However, it is important to also recognize the potential risks associated with their use.   One of the primary risks associated with supplementation revolves around the potential for excessive bleeding or interference with blood clotting mechanisms. Omega-3… Read more »

Dr. Walker’s Why We Sleep

In his new book Why We Sleep, Matthew Walker, PhD gives us the hard truths about sleep, stating that if we do not get a full night’s sleep, we will be impaired, even at the level of a drunk driver. The science says we need 7-9 hours of restful sleep a night to be healthy,… Read more »

Prescribing Vegetables

Many health practitioners find themselves excited by something relatively simple these days – vegetables. For decades, we’ve been told that a prescription is the easiest and fastest way to control a medical condition. But, every day it seems another study is released that supports using food and lifestyle as a treatment for many of the… Read more »