The Power of Exosomes in Regenerative Medicine

Regenerative medicine is a transformative field focused on repairing, replacing and regenerating damaged tissues and organs by harnessing the body’s natural healing processes. Since 2024, this term has become increasingly popular as more people seek holistic and less invasive alternatives to traditional medical treatments. As a physician with over 20 years of experience in internal… Read more »

lmr lipoprofile test

LDL: Not Always Bad and HDL: Not Always Good

A lipid panel has become a standard test in a health check-up. It measures total cholesterol, LDL lipoprotein, HDL lipoprotein and triglycerides. LDL is usually thought of as “bad” cholesterol and HDL is “good” cholesterol; triglycerides are circulating fat particles. Generally speaking, an abnormally high cholesterol is associated with heart attack and stroke. But let’s… Read more »

Multiomics: The Future of Health Care

The heyday of clinicians primarily acting as disease specialists is rapidly ending. For too long, health care providers have treated patients reactively, versus proactively. Reactive treatment results from several causes including payor reimbursement schemes, societal expectations, limited resources, ineffectual treatments and inadequate diagnostics1. Government and private payors have routinely denied or delayed coverage of diagnostic… Read more »

Fibromyalgia: Calming the Storm

A client recently described fibromyalgia as “widespread pain throughout my body which feels like my nerves are on fire.” She further stated, “Myofascial release seems to send a message to my nervous system that says, ‘You are safe.’” Fibromyalgia is a chronic, debilitating condition that affects approximately four million adults per year. It is more… Read more »

Benefits of Glutathione: More Than Just Detox

Glutathione has long played a crucial role in balancing oxidative stressors in our body which occur from such things as environmental toxicity, immune insults (infections and viruses) and inflammatory injury. Glutathione is one of your body’s most abundant and potent antioxidants. It aids in detoxification as a free-radical scavenger and plays an important role in… Read more »

Melatonin as Complementary Treatment for COVID

Melatonin is a hormone produced by the pineal gland, most attributed to regulating the circadian rhythm of the body. However, it does so much more than helping us get to sleep. Melatonin has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, as well as mechanisms that help to support the immune system. These properties make melatonin a potential option… Read more »

The Therapeutic Use of Light

Light therapy, which is now referred to as photomedicine, has been utilized in ancient civilizations for over 3,000 years. One of the latest advancements is photodynamic therapy (PDT) which combines laser light with a photosensitizing agent (topical, oral or IV drug or supplement) to prepare the treatment area for greater light penetration. It was first… Read more »

Identify Your Strengths

Transforming Your Well-Being with Positive Psychology

There is a relatively new segment studying human behaviors, happiness and overall well-being referred to as positive psychology. Defined by the Psychology Center at the University of Pennsylvania, it is the scientific study of the strengths that enable individuals and communities to thrive. In other words, focusing on the positive side of the human life… Read more »

Helping the Body Heal Naturally

The growth of regenerative medicine now offers patients a variety of less invasive treatment options to joint surgery, replacement and pain management.  The basic principle of regenerative medicine uses the body’s own healing mechanisms to repair damaged tissues. The field includes injectables, patches, traditional Chinese medicine techniques and electronic stimuli equipment to name a few.… Read more »

Tuning in to Health

When it comes to pain and bodily dysfunction, there seems to be a positive shift from doctors’ visits for prescribed medications towards natural healing modalities. However, with so many alternative therapies on the market today, it is sometimes difficult to know where to start. And many would never think of turning to tuning forks. When… Read more »

Biofeedback: A Non-Invasive Intervention

The Centers for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC) estimates that more than 75 percent of doctor visits are related to stress while the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and the National Safety Council estimate this number to be closer to 90 percent.1, 2 Reasons for visits include, but are not limited to, insomnia, fatigue,… Read more »