Psychologist Carl Jung coined the term “synchronicity” which he described as an “a casual connecting principle” — external events linked to internal thoughts and feelings by meaningful coincidences rather than happenstance.

Examples could include a chance meeting, a conversation with someone who seems to read your mind, that song playing yet again, timely sightings of birds and butterflies, or sequential numbers or objects that keep reappearing.

Jung believed that these events were not random, but rather manifestations of a deeper order in the universe that connects us all. And while they generally defy scientific explanation, those who believe in signs can benefit from their often-profound effects.

Has this ever happened to you? What are the thoughts and feelings you experience? For a moment, time may seem to stop. Wonder and awe accompany, “I can’t believe that just happened.” Feelings of warmth and comfort often follow, creating an unexplained sense of security that everything is going to be alright.

Many believe that these chance occurrences are signs from the universe that you are on the right path — and not alone. The more we pause to consider the meaning of synchronistic events, the deeper we may experience a sense of safety, comfort and belonging. 

These small but meaningful moments can help enhance positivity and generate gratitude for our place in this vastly connected world. As many living in the “universal flow” would agree, it is a warm and wonderful place to be. 

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Comments (5)

  • Is a sign from the Universe what you really want??????

    Well here it is……………………


  • After my husband John died I was heartbroken. We just moved to this area from Michigan. I started seeing dragonflies and red tail hawks all the time and in unusual places. I was asking for another sign, if this was a sign ! And I got one. It gave me comfort that my husband was in Heaven and was ok.

    • Lauren Del Sarto

      Gail, I love that story. Isn’t the solace it gives you just amazing? My father is the egret in the photo (:
      Thank you so very much for sharing ~


  • Thank you. I read unusual animal behavior is a sign from Heaven. It’s been 10 years now, and I am still getting signs.
