Since 1991, the HeartMath Institute has researched heart-brain communication and its relationship to managing stress, increasing coherence and deepening our connection to ourselves and others. One of the most interesting research areas has focused on the heart’s magnetic field.
Each time the heart beats, a magnetic field is produced that travels out from the body, extending about 10 feet. (Many researchers believe it extends much further from the body, but the technology to measure it is limited.) The brain also has a magnetic field but it extends only about an inch from the body, and the field from the heart is 100 times greater in strength than the brain’s.
The magnetic field generated by the heart acts as a personal field environment. Scientists have found that each of our thoughts, attitudes, and emotions create different signals that are embedded in each person’s field.1 Our attitudes and emotions affect other people, not only through body language and voice tone but also through these magnetic fields acting as carrier waves.1
Using spectral analysis, it’s been shown that our emotions influence or cause changes in the heart’s magnetic field.1 Different emotions create different patterns in the heart’s field, which are then perceived by others. If you’ve ever encountered someone and without exchanging words you immediately felt uncomfortable, it’s often because your magnetic field was reading the emotions and attitudes of the other person’s field.
Emotions influence the heart’s magnetic field similar to the way a radio or TV transmission works where the sound or picture is carried by an electromagnetic wave. Essentially, we broadcast information about how we are feeling, whether or not we are conscious of it.
Animals also have an electromagnetic field. Scientific studies found that a type of heart-rhythm synchronization occurs in interactions between people and their pets.2
HeartMath conducted an experiment with a 15-year-old boy, Josh, and his dog, Mabel.2 The experiment used electrocardiogram monitors to record heart-rhythm data when Josh and Mabel were together and apart. Two recorders were used, one fitted on Mabel and the other on Josh. The recorders were synchronized and Mabel was placed in one of the labs. Josh then entered the lab and sat down and proceeded to consciously feel feelings of love toward Mabel.
When Josh entered the room, consciously experiencing feelings of love toward his dog, his heart rhythms became more coherent. Interestingly, the change in Josh’s heart also influenced Mabel’s heart rhythms, which then also became more coherent. And, if you’ve ever wondered what goes on in your dog’s mind, or heart, when you leave home, they measured this result as well. When Josh left the room, Mabel’s heart rhythms became much more chaotic and incoherent, suggesting initial separation anxiety.
Being aware of the powerful magnetic field that extends from our hearts is an important step in realizing how our thoughts and emotions have an impact on those around us. They affect both people and pets, even when it’s unintended!
Cindy Douglas is a certified reiki master, life coach, HeartMath Institute trainer and founder of Takota Alchemy. She also creates and facilitates retreats to unplug and reconnect to the power within and can be reached at (619) 726.0408 or
References: 1) The Resilience Advantage, Skills for Personal and Professional Effectiveness, Institute of HeartMath (2014); 2)
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