Brain adaptation is key to our survival. Our unconscious mind processes millions of data bits per second, and our ability to “think about our thinking” is one of the features that makes humans unique among mammals. Much of the time our brain adaptation is beneficial, but in many cases preserving our physical existence comes at the cost of decreased brain performance.

One common finding in people experiencing memory loss is that the predominant brain frequencies have “slowed.” Imagine that our memory is tied to the ability to see and store pictures of the world and events around us. If you have a camera that takes four frames per second compared to a camera that takes 12 frames per second, the fullness of the story and the information you gather would be very different between the two cameras. Similarly, the brain electrical activity operates in hertz, or cycles per second. The average cycling speed of the adult brain in the U.S. is 9.6 hertz, so we consider a person with this brain speed as having average capacity for memory and performance.
Life changes the underlying cycling speed of the brain. Lack of deep sleep causes the brain to adapt by slowing its cycling speed. High stress and lack of essential nutrients and hormones exact a toll, requiring the brain to adapt to conserve energy. Over time, our environment and life-style choices impact brain function and cause cognitive impairment.
Whether you are struggling with a math problem or trying to remember why you went to the next room, the common denominator is challenged brain function. The point of this article is to help you know there is hope!
One of my college-aged patients came with profound anxiety that was impairing sleep and social relationships. He would study by himself in his room to avoid talking with classmates, and his sleep was delayed as he replayed scenarios from his day. After having some labs to ensure adequate nutrient levels, he participated in six weeks of brain resonance therapy and had not only resumption of quick-onset, deep restorative sleep, but also a level of calm throughout his day that enhanced relationships with peers and increased his test-taking ability.
Another patient in her late 70s came with great concern due to loss of focus and an inability to pass her driving exam. She had been doing practice tests and failing them and was desperate to maintain her independence. We initially utilized the Bredesen Protocol and performed extensive testing and lifestyle adjustments. She normalized her vitamin D, cholesterol, and made numerous other small changes. Six weeks later, she passed her driver’s exam. We celebrated and continued supporting her healthy choices. When we added brain training to her regimen, she began to win mahjong games again. The underlying lack of nutrients and slowed brain speed changed, and she demonstrated improved cognitive function.
Whatever challenges you face, the advances in brain science today provide hope. I encourage you to search for answers.
Jeralyn Brossfield, MD, is the founder of XO Health in Rancho Mirage and Medical Director of Brain Health Restoration also in Rancho Mirage and can be reached at (760) 573.2761.
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