In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to get caught up in our individual lives and forget the importance of community. But what if, by coming together, we could create a healthier, happier and more vibrant community for all?

That’s exactly what’s happening in our desert region, as Blue Zones Project has launched in both Palm Springs and Coachella. When a community comes together through a Blue Zones initiative, the impact is felt far beyond its borders — the ripple effects of the movement do not end at city limits. By applying the principles of Blue Zones, we can create a community that supports and uplifts each other, fostering a culture of well-being that impacts the entire desert region.

The Power of Community

Blue Zones research has shown that people in the blue zones regions — who live the longest, healthiest lives in the world — enjoy strong social connections. People in these regions prioritize relationships and community, avoiding the negative impacts of loneliness. Blue Zones Project applies this insight by bringing individuals, organizations and community leaders together to create an environment and culture that encourages meaningful relationships and a deeper sense of community.

By designing environments, policies and systems that support social connections, we can create a community that truly thrives. Examples include:

Public spaces. Vibrant public spaces that invite people to gather, socialize, move naturally and connect with one another.

Walkable and bikeable neighborhoods. Walkable neighborhoods encourage people to get outside, move around and connect with their community.

Community gardens. Spaces that provide opportunities for people to grow their own food, share knowledge, and build relationships.

Community events. Fun things to do that bring people together around healthy activities, such as farmers’ markets, walking, volunteering and socializing.

Moai groups. A concept that originated in the blue zones region of Okinawa, Japan, Moais are organized groups launched and run by the Blue Zones Project teams that meet regularly around healthy habits (walking, healthy potlucks, etc.)

Join the Movement

Whether you’re a long-time resident or new to the area, what do you love about our community? What would you like to see change? How can we work together to build a healthier, happier community for all?

To get involved, learn more and stay in touch via the Blue Zones Project newsletter, visit and

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