Lauren and Dakota

Lauren and Dakota

When my husband suggested moving to the Desert, two things came to mind –‘heaven’s waiting room’ as the Desert has been referred for its older demographic and ‘mystical healing powers’ as are thought to exist in this region. It took only a couple of visits to realize that the thriving Desert community consists of many young families as well as many young-at-heart residents. I also felt the ‘healing powers’ in the crisp Desert air, warm sun, and beauty of the mountains.

Upon our move, I committed myself to learning more about the healing element and have come to understand the uniqueness of this place we call home. The Coachella Valley offers such a vast array of spa and wellness, preventive medicine, natural therapies, health care practitioners and world-class medical technology. I see people coming from all over the world to take advantage of these different practices.

There is also a growing trend of conventional medicine and alternative therapies working together as “integrated health care.”  Those leading this trend share a common goal –putting the patient first. The Consortium of Academic Health Centers for Integrative Medicine defines integrative medicine as “the practice of medicine that reaffirms the importance of the relationship between practitioner and patient, focuses on the whole person, is informed by evidence, and makes use of all appropriate therapeutic approaches, health care professionals, and disciplines to achieve health and healing. “

Desert Health® was created to specifically promote this convergence and the Valley’s many medical facilities, modalities, practices, and practitioners, that help us prevent illness, maintain good health and provide healing. We will recognize accomplishments, celebrate community, revel in sport and inform our readership to the best of our ability.

I would like to sincerely thank those who have supported the vision for Desert Health®. Many members of the medical community as well as those practicing natural and alternative therapies understand the challenge of providing a communication medium in which both practices can co-exist. I respect their insight and do not take this responsibility lightly. Their support exists because they understand the importance of educating consumers.

A sincere thanks to Heather McKay for her graphic talent in presenting this publication and for taking a chance and joining our team; to Chanin and Doris for taking time out at all hours to edit; and a very special thanks to my husband, Tom, and all family and friends who have provided input, love and support to the launch of Desert Heath. I could not have done it without them.

And I thank you, our readers! Desert Health® is a complimentary paper for locals and visitors alike and we welcome your input and ideas.

Best of health ~

Lauren Del Sarto

Lauren Del Sarto


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