As humans, we like our world in order. We move forward in perpetual motion accomplishing tasks, making plans and watching all our hard work come to fruition. When we take time to appreciate it all, we often smile with a sense of inner peace and security. We feel warm, happy and in control.

But what happens when the universe throws us curve balls that interrupt our best laid plans? 

Many of us jump into “fix it” mode. Frustration, disappointment and anger overpower our sense of peace and security and can cause us to react defensively. We yell at our computer and reply in all caps. We call the service provider and demand change. We have frank discussions with family members and move forward with a disgruntled sense of dissatisfaction. These negative feelings may last a day, or linger for long periods of time, and can leave us feeling that life is no fun.

We all know that one thing we can count on is change. However, accepting that fact isn’t always easy. When you consider that we are one small peg in our interconnected universe, you start to question how much control we really have. Maybe this vantage point can start to shift our thinking and we can begin to see unwanted interruptions as opportunities to expand our thinking. Instead of reacting with conviction that your plan is the only plan, maybe pause to look for the silver lining and see that something more might be unfolding.

Fifteen years ago, I had an idea for a health publication and enthusiastically called someone who could easily make it happen. When he didn’t return my calls, I became frustrated, decided to do it myself, and Desert Health was born. I recently met him for the first time and thanked him profusely.

Next time your perfect world starts to tilt, remember the words of author and educator Charles R. Swindoll, “Life is 10 percent what happens to you, and 90 percent the way you react.”

Editorial by founder/publisher Lauren Del Sarto

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