Lauren Del SartoAs we near the end of a mild summer and celebrate the upcoming season, let’s each take a look at how our lifestyle affects our physical well-being. I have to admit that lately, my workout routine has given way to a busy schedule.

After hearing “take a deep breath” from several loved ones, I stopped to actually observe my breathing. I realized that I have a bad habit of holding my breath…when stressed, when working at the computer, and sometimes even when exercising. As someone who has had pneumonia, I always thought that this just might be the thing that gets me in the end.

In researching the statistics, I learned that pneumonia does get quite a few people in the end and those with ‘unhealthy lungs’ are at greatest risk.I also learned the importance of oxygen to every cell in your body and how breathing has been ‘practiced’ for thousands of years.

So let’s not take this simple act for granted. No matter your age, exercising your lungs through proper breathing practice just might save you in the end.

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