Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) are areas of energy that surround electronic devices. Your body has electrical and magnetic fields so it can conduct nerve and muscle impulses. Because of this conductive potential, EMFs generated by electronics are attracted to the human body and affect people by increasing voltage beyond the optimal range. These invisible currents provide a low-level, ongoing stress to the body and can result in mild symptoms such as headaches and fatigue, or can be associated with more serious diseases such as cancer.

Most of the EMFs in your home are generated by Wi-Fi and cordless phones. Baby monitors, fluorescent light bulbs, electric blankets, cordless toothbrushes, and even hair dryers contribute to excess energy that disrupts our metabolism. To limit your exposure to these harmful fields, follow the suggestions below.

  • Unplug any device that is not in use. An item that is plugged in but not turned on, such as a lamp during the day, will generate an electromagnetic field.
  • Create distance between yourself and electronic devices. Anything with a transformer, such as a digital alarm clock, should be kept at least two feet away from the body. Six feet is the recommended distance to sit when watching television, especially if using an old cathode ray version.
  • Do not sleep with a phone in the same room. These devices generate EMFs even when they are turned off.
  • Consider going low tech. Incandescent lightbulbs and landline internet create weaker fields than their newfangled counterparts. Think twice about using a cordless shaver.
  • Use an EMF-shielding device if you have low immunity or are very sensitive. Products are available to work with phones, computers, routers and household wiring.

If you choose to take a break from electronic communications for a day or a weekend, consider spending time in nature. The earth’s electromagnetic field is one that resonates in harmony with the human body. It is the only EMF where more exposure is a good thing.

Dr. Jessica Needle is a naturopathic doctor practicing at Optimal Health Center in Palm Desert and can be reached at (760) 568.2598.

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