We all know the process. Estimate how much is needed in retirement (which can range anywhere from 70% to over 100% of preretirement income), determine available income sources, and then calculate how much to save annually to reach those goals.

As you go through this largely mathematical exercise, however, don’t forget the most important part…You need to give serious thought to the type of retirement you want.

Visualize what retirement will be like. Retirement is no longer viewed as a time to slow down, but is now considered a new beginning in life. That means your current living expenses may have very little to do with your retirement expenses.

To help you visualize your retirement so you can estimate retirement expenses, consider these questions:

• When do you want to retire? Will you realistically have the resources to retire at that age?

• Do you plan to stay in your current home, trade down to a smaller one, or move to a different city? If you plan to move, is the cost of living there more or less expensive than your present city?

• Will your mortgage be paid off by retirement? What about other debts?

• Will you continue to work after retirement? If so, will you work part time or full time? Where will you work and how much can you expect to earn? Do you have any hobbies or interests that can be turned into paying jobs? Are you planning to start a business after retirement?

• How will you spend your free time? What hobbies will you pursue? How much and where will you travel? How much will all these activities cost?

• How will you pay for medical costs? Will your employer provide health insurance or will you need to purchase insurance to supplement Medicare coverage?

• Do you have any medical conditions that are likely to impact your quality of life in retirement? What would you do if you became physically disabled? Would your spouse take care of you, would you move in with your children, or would you go to a nursing home? How will you provide for long-term-care costs?

• How much of your income will be provided by personal investments, including 401(k) investments? Are you confident you can invest so those investments will last your entire retirement?

• What would happen financially if your spouse dies? If you die, would your spouse be able to support himself/herself financially?

Answering these questions should give you a clearer picture of what your retirement will be like.

Reesa Manning is Vice President and Senior Financial Advisor at Integrated Wealth Management, specializing in retirement and income planning. For more information, call Reesa at (760)834-7200, or [email protected].

The above is being provided for informational purposes only and should not be considered investment, tax or legal advice. The information is as of the date of this release, subject to change without notice and no reliance should be placed on such information when making any investment, tax or legal decisions. Integrated Wealth Management obtained the information provided herein from third party sources believed to be reliable, but it is not guaranteed. Form ADV contains important information about the advisory services, fees, business, and background and the experience of advisory personnel. This form is publicly available and may be viewed at advisorinfo.sec.gov.

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