The Directors of the Desert Healthcare District approved a grant award of $201,440 to Angel View, Inc. that will increase enrollment capacity in their Day Program from 45 clients to 75. Funding from the District enables Angel View to cover operating losses that the organization will incur when they increase the census by 40% (primarily additional staff); purchase essential program equipment; and complete the capital improvements that were initiated in 2011.

Angel View’s Day Program for adults with developmental disabilities is designed to promote greater independence and socialization in a center-based setting and daily life.  It provides local families with peace of mind knowing that during the day their loved ones are enjoying companionship, recreation and therapeutic activities.  The Program also gives caregivers the time to run errands, see their own medical professionals and pursue other interests, knowing that their charge is engaged and supervised in activities at the program.

The overall program goal is to help adults with developmental disabilities reach their maximum level of independence.  All participants in Angel View’s Day Program receive individual assessments by the multidisciplinary professional team. Once a participant’s personal goals are set, activities are designed to advance self-care capabilities and daily life skills. Each client’s progress is monitored and compared to his or her individual program plans; goals are modified regularly as gains in skills are made. All clients are reassessed by the professional team every six months.

The Day Program includes both ambulatory and non-ambulatory men and women age 22 and older. Transportation to and from the center is provided by Angel View in specially-equipped vans and buses. When needed, restricted health plans are provided, and a licensed nurse is on staff at the Day Program during operating hours.

Program participants benefit from multiple forms of sensory stimulation including   music, games, sports, arts and crafts and more. Outings also play a critical role in each day’s events. Day Program attendees go to movies, malls, museums, parks, parades and the Pegasus Riding Academy. Day Program participants also take part in Angel View’s Summer Fun Days at Camp Forrest, a day camp in Joshua Tree for special needs campers.

Angel View, Inc., a local non-profit, is the only organization in the Coachella Valley that provides both 24-hour residential nursing care and Day Program services to individuals with disabilities. Since Angel View was founded in 1954, the mission has been, “To help children and adults with disabilities reach their maximum potential.”

Desert Healthcare District is a government agency, established by the state of California in 1948, to improve and support community health programs within a 457-square mile service area in the Coachella Valley. The District also owns and oversees the lease of Desert Regional Medical Center in Palm Springs.

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