Have you experienced digestive issues such as gas, bloating, constipation, and diarrhea? These are usually the signs of unhealthy bacteria in your gut. Did you know that gut health and brain health are related and having an unhealthy level of “bad” bacteria in the intestines is now linked to depression, anxiety, OCD, brain fog, and autism?

The intestines are home to tens of millions of micro organisms referred to as the gut microbiome. These bacteria play an important role in our health and the role of the digestive process. When the stomach and intestines encounter difficulty digesting certain foods we ingest, these micro-biota are present to assist in digestion, ensuring we get the nutrients we need. The foods we consume can cause rapid changes in the gut flora which are surprisingly reactive to diet.

Micro-floras are part of the immune system and represent nearly 80% of the body’s immunity. The gut contains both beneficial and harmful bacteria, and research has revealed that all varieties of micro-flora influence immunity. The balance of gut flora should be approximately 85% good and 15% bad. When the ratio becomes unbalanced, the result is a condition known as dybiosis, indicative of too much of a certain type of yeast, fungus or bacteria. Re-establishing a healthy ratio of good and bad bacteria can be challenging.

One of the most common causes of unbalanced microbiome is the use of antibiotics which wipes out bad bacteria, but also many of the good bacteria which are essential to our health. Research also suggests that good bacteria wiped out by antibiotics don’t replace themselves unless you intervene. That is why it is highly recommended that you take probiotics (good bacteria) while you are taking antibiotics.

One effective therapy used to re-establish healthy bowels is colon hydrotherapy which can counteract inflammation and eliminate mucous buildup; eliminate toxins and control growth of disease-causing bacteria; help the body absorb and produce vitamins and minerals; and retrain bowel memory, improving peristalsis (the urge to eliminate).

The use of a prebiotic and a probiotic both strengthens and supports the immune system’s ability to protect the body from disease and general malaise. Therefore, at the conclusion of a colon cleansing session the introduction of an additive is used containing prebiotics and probiotics. The colon is a highly vascular organ and absorbs these nutrients readily. If probiotics are not fed with a prebiotic, they die within about 4 hours; the prebiotic enables the probiotic to thrive in the gut for longer periods of time.

If your gastrointestinal condition is affecting your brain health, it may be time to consider colon hydrotherapy and a pre/probiotic supplemental program a for fresh, clean start to get your microbiome back in balance.

Cheryl Kane-Banke is a certified therapist with A Healthier You in Palm Desert which is owned and operated by Deb McMahon R.N., C.N.H.P. For more information
call (760) 360-8877.

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