Cold and flu season is now upon us and as parents, knowing what to do ahead of time can alleviate unnecessary stress and discomfort for our little ones.

The first part of combating winter illnesses is of course prevention. This time of year, it is essential to continually remember to wash hands prior to eating, after the bathroom, and most importantly, after being in public spaces. Make a habit of hand washing after being at the grocery store, school, etc., where new exposure to bacteria and viruses is common. This also eliminates introduction of new germs to the home. For preventative wellness, consider daily supplementation of vitamin C and zinc to boost the immune system. There are many low dose children’s products that contain these nutrients for wellness. In the event of illness, the dose of vitamin C and zinc can be increased to reduce the length and severity of a cold or flu.

At the first sign of illness, there are a few key herbs and nutrients to consider. In addition to increased doses of vitamin C and zinc, Echinacea is a great herb to reduce the severity of cold and flu symptoms. Echinacea works best when dosing begins within the first 48 hours of onset of symptoms, or when taken proactively if there has been exposure to illness. After the initial onset of symptoms, Echinacea has a much weaker immune-boosting effect. However, it is an essential herb for illness prevention and for an initial immune boost. It is easily found in alcohol-free children’s herbal liquid tinctures at any health food store. Keeping this herb on hand is a way to ensure immediate remedies are readily available at home.

Another natural product to consider at the beginning of any illness is the homeopathic remedy, Children’s Oscillococcinum. This is a low toxicity, safe homeopathic treatment to begin immediately in the event of an illness.

For active cold and flu symptoms, there are safe immune-boosting herbs for children and babies to utilize. One of the gentlest herbs for children’s colds and flus is elderberry, which comes in many forms such as lozenges, syrups, and liquids that are easy and tasty for children to take. This is an excellent herb to use at any time during a cold or flu, or for prevention purposes. An additional immune-boosting herb to take at any time of an illness is goldenseal which is often found in combination with Echinacea in children’s wellness formulas. Goldenseal can be taken for symptoms as well as prevention.

For ongoing symptoms, an herbal remedy company called Gaia Herbs has a very effective line of children’s wellness products and cough syrups. Other reliable homeopathic companies with children’s wellness products are Boiron or Hyland’s.

However, natural treatments should not be used in lieu of a doctor’s visit, and children should always be taken to the appropriate healthcare provider for any significant or persistent illness. Naturopathic doctors are a great resource for integrative options for children’s health and wellness.

Dr. Sinsheimer is a Naturopathic Doctor and can be reached at (760) 568.2598.

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