One of the most common reasons for a child’s doctor visit is digestive complaints. Children can experience chronic abdominal pain, intermittent abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea and general discomfort from eating. These symptoms often cause them to miss school, leave school early or refrain from social activities. Parents may try at-home elimination diets such as removing… Read more »

Environmental toxicants are ubiquitous in conventional body care products and can negatively affect both adults and kids. Reducing the burden of toxicants on the body includes purchasing and using non-toxic personal care products. There is a varying degree of toxicity in different types of products and replacing certain products can have a more positive effect… Read more »
In today’s school age children, acts of bullying can begin as early as preschool years and continue to escalate throughout the elementary years and beyond. Bullying is a distinctive pattern of harming and humiliating others.1 Nearly a third of children 12-18 years old report experiencing bullying by being made fun of, insulted, made to do… Read more »
Recent events have prompted parents, educators, and childcare providers to reevaluate how to properly teach children about personal safety which, in this context, is how to ward off tactics used by child predators to isolate and victimize a child. Any person in charge of a child’s wellbeing should review how to discuss preventing an incident… Read more »
In the United States, drowning continues to be the second leading cause of death for children ages 1 to 4 claiming the lives of roughly 1,100 children in 2006¹. Those at greatest risk for water accidents or drowning includes this group and teenage boys. Summer also presents greater risk for water accidents as children are… Read more »
Measles is a viral disease that has gained public interest due to annual measles outbreaks in various parts of the U.S. While it is more prevalent in less developed nations, in the United States there are typically smaller, controlled outbreaks without long-term health complications or mortalities. Measles is one viral disease for which an immunization… Read more »
Personal genetic testing has been available on the direct consumer markets for several years. Companies such as 23andMe and use a simple cheek swab to collect DNA data. The data can then be instantly uploaded and analyzed by other websites for genetic mutations related to potential health issues. While this seems like the utterly… Read more »
In the U.S. one in eight couples is infertile and many others struggle with optimal fertility. There are many options to enhance fertility. One essential option is to eat a high-quality diet and add specific foods that may enhance fertility. In addition to eating fertility-enhancing foods, it is also essential to eliminate toxifying and hormone… Read more »
The holiday season, a season of giving and receiving, is an excellent time to instill the essential life value of gratitude in children and adults. It can be so easy, and fun, to buy kids an item they have been waiting months to receive and share that moment of joy when they open their long-awaited… Read more »
Sunburns from intense or excess sun exposure can cause immediate pain and long-term skin damage. Treating sunburn immediately can limit unnecessary discomfort and harm. Sunburn begins with excess sun exposure but can continue to worsen even after the sun exposure is over, so it is important to treat sunburn early to reduce inflammation and pain.… Read more »
Supplementing daily with a multi-nutrient for children is essential, as whole food products have decreased in nutritional content and quality. In addition, the toxic body burden acquired from the state of the environment calls for more fundamental nutrients to assist in normal functions of the body. Children of all ages need a daily nutritional supplement… Read more »
Prescriptions for acid reflux in young infants and babies have risen significantly over the past decade as physicians are choosing to treat more extreme cases of ‘spitting up’ or acid reflux-induced vomiting with medication. While it is normal for a young baby or infant to regurgitate some amount of food while he or she is… Read more »
Infants and young babies with regular colic tug on our heart strings as they cry, sometimes endlessly, leaving us with few options to relieve it. Any parent with a child that has colic can become desperate to help stop the tears. Colic is most often caused by issues with poor digestion and elimination, although it… Read more »
Weighing the Health Benefits of the Flu Vaccine The flu vaccine has become a ‘must have’ in health media campaigns and conventional medical doctors’ offices. The vaccine is meant to prevent the annual flu which can cause physical discomfort, lost days at work or school, and inconvenience. These reasons alone are cause to consider an… Read more »
Fertility for men and woman can be affected by a range of factors – age, lifestyle, and genetics. However, natural fertility enhancement is easily attainable with diet, nutrition, stress management, and specific nutraceutical supplements. Addressing fertility concerns can be daunting, but with a few simple changes many couples are able to conceive healthy babies without… Read more »
The adverse effects of toxic sunscreens have become a regular conversation in health and wellness magazines, blogs, and other educational forums. Sunscreens that are not specifically marketed as “made with non-toxic ingredients” are toxic. It is important to look at the quality and ingredients of sunscreens, especially for young children who are highly susceptible to… Read more »
On July 1, 2016, a new law signed by Governor Jerry Brown went into effect that required all children enrolled in public or private schools to have met a set number of vaccinations to attend school. This effectively removed the right of parents to personally deem their children vaccine exempt because of personal or religious… Read more »
Postpartum depression (PPD) is defined as a variable mood, anxiety, and feelings of despair and deep sadness that occur in a new mother from several days to several months after childbirth. PPD can last for months, or longer, and if untreated can affect the way a mother is able to function in her daily life,… Read more »
We can all agree: Breast is Best! There is no formula substitute that will ever compete with the health benefits provided by breast milk. From dehydration to enhancing immune boosting properties for a sick infant, a mother’s breast milk is able to adjust its nutritional components to reflect the immediate needs of her baby. However,… Read more »
Homeopathic medicines are excellent natural remedies to keep stocked for cold and flu season. Homeopathy is a safe, effective, and innocuous system of medicine that, in most cases, can be given with little to no interference with other pharmaceutical medications; the large majority can also be given to children of most ages. The following homeopathic… Read more »