This Season’s Heartbeat

Aren’t these desert mornings spectacular? After a sweltering summer, this time of year reminds us why we live here. Season has arrived and this year, more than ever, our anticipation of increased social schedules, seasonal friends and heightened energy has us talking. Are we ready? With each new issue of Desert Health, we have an… Read more »

Live Your Imagination

One weekend in May, I got a strong desire to go camping, to simply “check out,” live in the moment and spend time appreciating nature. But it was Thursday, and we couldn’t find an open site. Noticing my sulking shoulders, my husband proposed, “Why don’t we just camp here?” The crazy idea got me excited.… Read more »

The Little Bandito


How are you doing? This past year has been such a crazy time, and so many are going through so much. What are you doing to keep that smile? I’m practicing gratitude. And it is just that — a practice.  Over the past two years, I beat cancer, lost my father unexpectedly, and most recently… Read more »

The Magic of Mindfulness

Over the past year, I’ve been working to bring mindfulness into all aspects of my life. In addition to starting my day with slow, deep breathing, happy thoughts, a crafted coffee, meditation and sunshine, I’ve been consciously working to “come back to the now” when thoughts race and actions get harried. Returning to sports has… Read more »

Dream BIG

Last January, I was celebrating a new start after a year of cancer treatments. 2019 had been rough, but I made it through with a renewed appreciation for life and a strong sense of fearlessness. Life is short, and I can do anything.  So, I decided to start riding horses again. I tried 10 years… Read more »

Celebrating Life

This October, our daughter, Erin, got married and we welcomed a new son-in-law, Jason, to the family. A year of ups and downs culminated in a more intimate affair, and in the end, it was simply magical. What didn’t change is at the heart of it all: family, celebration and love.  As we enter the… Read more »

Making Memories

So happy to welcome September, the beginning of fall! Maybe you’re sitting at an outdoor café right now enjoying a warm coffee and cool breeze. I’m writing this at the end of August in hopes that the new month shepherds in much anticipated change – in the weather and our ability to freely enjoy cafés.… Read more »

In the Moment

Have you ever been hiking and noticed the vibrancy of the colors around you? Or walked out in the morning to listen to birds singing and noticed how blue the sky? Maybe the memories of those moments are still clear in your mind and the thoughts warm your heart. Those are the times you are… Read more »

Compassion Love Laughter

Accepting Change

Hello, Friends ~ My goodness! Who would have ever thought 2020 would find us so far apart, yet so close at heart in circumstances beyond our wildest imagination?  The sign above sits on our counter as a constant reminder of the patience and compassion we all need to have with each other right now, and… Read more »

Lauren in the field

How Lucky Are We?

We live in a pretty extraordinary place. From hot air balloons and horses, to palm trees and mountains, vast sky with no scrapers, and bright sun shining down on our towns and farmlands, the Coachella Valley is a pretty incredible place to call home. Many in the desert have yet to experience it all. They’ve… Read more »

Desert Health Celebrates 10 Years

Dearest Desert Health Readers,  It is hard to put into words how grateful I am to be celebrating our 10th anniversary. WOW. I cannot thank you, and all of our marketing partners, enough for your continued support over the years.  We began with the mission to “educate and unite” and continue to strive for those… Read more »

Lauren Del Sarto

Coming Together

You know what I love about our beautiful Desert community?  The sense of unity. Everyone seems to come together to support each other. Whether it’s a project, cause, social function, initiative, or simply a pat on the back, it’s exceptional and unlike most places I have lived. I’d like to think that our goodwill and… Read more »

lauren with ray


What are your goals in life? I find that my aspirations become simpler with each passing year.  In my 20s as a passionate young professional on Wall Street, I planned to climb the corporate ladder and rule the world. Then New York got the best of me, so I moved to San Francisco. From there,… Read more »

Lauren and Tommy Del Sarto

Sweet Days of Summer

Remember when you couldn’t wait for summer? In your young mind the word screamed freedom, bare feet, nature and fun. Where will you find those things this summer? July and August are the perfect time to escape on a new (or familiar) adventure. Whether it’s a drive to the beach, staycation at a local resort,… Read more »

Enjoy the Journey

One thing you can count on in life is change. The ups and downs can throw you for a loop and sometimes, you’d better be wearing a seat belt. But along the way, you’re certain to learn a few things. And if you don’t, maybe you’ve stopped asking questions. Life’s challenges can do that to… Read more »

Let’s Talk About It.

With this issue, we learn that Apple’s top trending app category last year was mindfulness/meditation. Why do you think that is? Stress is certainly a major concern and it’s great to see people turning to valuable resources and learning how to cope. We’re taking steps, sharing our stories, consoling family and friends, and reaching out… Read more »

Celebrating Mother Earth

In this shiny New Year, we take a look at our relationship with nature. When was the last time you enjoyed the great outdoors, went camping or strolled on the beach? In today’s society, we’ve done a good job of isolating ourselves from Mother Earth, and it seems to be harming our health. So with… Read more »

The Greatest Gift

What is the one thing you hope to have with you for life? Your children? Your spouse? Your sanity? Your mobility? When you think about it, the most treasured thing you could wish for yourself and your loved ones is good health. It can be the difference between happiness and heartbreak, comfort and pain, and… Read more »

Can You Feel It In The Air?

Another season is upon us and I can tell it’s going to be an exciting and fun-filled adventure! With the fourth quarter dubbed “The Wellest Season,” it has already begun. As I write this, the World Series is in game 2, Wanderlust’s Wellspring comes to town this weekend, and our first gala is a week… Read more »