Lauren-Color-backgroundWe are so excited! The Desert Health® Wellness Awards are finally here.

We hope you will join us in celebrating those nominated by their peers and supporters for their contributions in moving health and wellness forward in our community. Everyone is welcome to attend the festive event, and the Official Program can be found on page 15.

In this issue we also focus on the growing concern of depression and anxiety as May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Local statistics are alarming and the first step to healing is shedding light on the issue. Many contributing writers offer suggestions, therapies, exercises, and the newest technology to help turn dark cloudy mornings into bright sunny days. It is a serious issue which many are calling a national epidemic, and we hope to provide education and resources for those in need.

We all know the brain is a powerful tool, and “neuro-mania” is a buzz word describing the current focus on how we can all enhance brain function to maximize potential. Several of our editorials provide strategies to do just that.

Another growing epidemic is Lyme disease. In Health is a Choice, we share Michelle Steadman’s personal journey, and are glad to report she is doing well on her road to recovery.

Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to continue doing what we love. Everyone involved in Desert Health® shares the passion to educate and empower others to make health a priority in their lives.

We hope you find much inspiration on our pages.

See you May 20th!

Here’s to your health ~
Lauren Del Sarto

Lauren Del Sarto

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