Jennifer DiFrancescoThe word “spa” comes from a small 14th century town known for curative, thermal mineral springs. From this location, the Latin phrase “sanitas per aquas” (health through water) originated. Treating the body through baths and water traveled from ancient Greece and the Roman Empire to the Renaissance era. By the 20th century. doctors in Europe were convinced that Mother Nature possessed a medicinal spring to heal each disease.

At this time Sebastian Kneipp, the “father of hydrotherapy” emerged in Germany. As a young boy, Kneipp contracted pulmonary tuberculosis, a fatal disease at that time. While ill he read about the benefits of bathing in the icy Danube River to stimulate the immune system. Following this bathing regimen, Kneipp’s tuberculosis went into remission, and he began promoting the benefits of using water therapy. Kneipp went on to write a book in 1886 called “My Water Cure” and helped treat many people. Kneipp’s recommendations included bathing in and drinking cool water, going to bed and rising early, long barefoot walks in wet grass and herbalism.

From the long history of spas in Europe, there is an ingrained culture of understanding the importance of spa therapy. It is not an indulgence, it is a necessity, and spa therapy is woven into government social and health policy. In Germany, doctors undertake specialized post-medical education on climatology, balneology (use of spas and mineral baths), and natural therapies. When a patient is not sick enough to go to a hospital, they are often sent for “the cure” of visiting a spa village for up to 4 weeks. Insurance companies have been paying for these curative stays since the 1960’s. Public officials cite a 60% drop in sick days and a 66% decrease in prescription drug consumption due to this therapy.

How can we apply European practices in the United States to use spas and healing centers as a tool of personal empowerment and enhanced well being? There are approximately 10,000 spas in this country. Most of the messages we receive from these establishments focus on vanity and image. We know we go to a spa to feel good through massage and many other therapies; yet we should remember the rich health benefits a spa visit has to offer.

Next time you enter your neighborhood spa keep in mind that the steam, sauna and Jacuzzi are healing. Spending time in the spa facility and having a spa service can profoundly benefit ailments such as arthritis, lower back pain and insomnia. Take time to find your “spa village” in your own backyard and build a relationship with a spa of choice to ensure you are using the facility to its optimal benefit. We are far from a time where a neighborhood doctor will prescribe a “spa cure,” so take the healing benefits into your own hands and be empowered with this wonderful gift that is so readily available in our Coachella Valley.
Jennifer is a Desert native with 20 years of experience in the spa industry. She also has a Tuesday morning wellness segment as ZenJen on 100.5 fm radio.

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