We persistently find answers to what we are seeking, and there will always be others looking for the same answers. We will continue to find conversations and thoughts of turbulence if we search for them. If we are looking for mayhem, we will find mayhem. If we are looking for peace, we will find peace. Is this simply the Law of Attraction? 

I believe for many of us, this can be a struggle. We have so many things to take care of; in some cases, this may be managing the superficial lifestyle of consumption, keeping up with the Joneses, or distracting ourselves by remaining “busy,” as it is too painful to slow down and take care of our own deep mental, physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. 

The important things in life such as health, living with purpose and being of service are difficult to do when we haven’t cultivated inner peace. Volatile thoughts may keep you living in fear of the truth; the truth of who and what you are. Thus, the pressures and urgencies of life take precedence, leaving us running and feeling empty. 

The practice of cultivating peace happens over time; it is not a one hit wonder. Working with people from all walks of life, I find that the desire for inner peace comes from the place of loving who you are, who you are becoming and who you want to be. It is all on the same plane. Clarity in who you want to be will help support you in cultivating peace for who you are currently. Simultaneously reflecting on who you have been will help bring forth love, compassion and understanding from the inside. You may not be perfect, but you, my friend, still deserve to live a life of peace. 

Devoting yourself to the art and science of truly getting to know your whole self, not simply accepting the parts you like and discarding or avoiding the other parts, is a process of cultivation, growth and evolution.

Keep taking each small step towards self-awareness and self-care that is moving you forward and incrementally add in little changes that need to be made. This is a daily practice which can lead to great and enduring change from the inside out, and help you find your inner peace. 

“If you are willing to look at another person’s behavior towards you as a reflection of the state of their relationship with themselves, rather than a statement about your value as a person, then you will, over a period of time, cease to react at all.”
— Yogi Bhajan

Dipika is a crossroads specialist and holistic health and lifestyle coach who empowers her clients to activate a balanced lifestyle of the mind, body and soul. She can be reached at [email protected] or www.loveyourlifehealthy.com

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