Many of us still are not getting enough sleep. Phones and other electronics, binge watching the latest streaming service series, or our never-ending work and family obligations can put quality pillow time on the back burner. Let this article be a friendly reminder of how crucial sleep is for maintaining health. 

Sleep, diet and exercise are paramount for intracellular health and regeneration of our bodies. Either independently or in combination, optimizing each of these areas plays a significant role in daily physical and mental acuity and performance, as well as how we respond to illness. Once you begin to make small daily changes in each of these areas, you will notice significant improvements in how you feel and in your overall well-being.

Insufficient sleep quantity or quality leads to decreases in general health affecting numerous systems including cardiovascular, mental and cellular health; poor glucose regulation and increased pro-inflammatory cytokines. Poor sleep can also increase systemic inflammation, the primary cause of most chronic disease.

Sleep also plays a large role in mental health and cognitive function; as the amount of sleep time declines, mental health suffers. Ever notice how lack of sleep can make you crabby and agitated? Those unhappy emotions can be a sure sign that you need more shut-eye.

Our sleep patterns shift with life changes and aging. Good restorative sleep is incredibly important for stem cell production and for overall restoration of the body, especially as we age. Proper sleep allows the body to regenerate and rejuvenate as it provides  time for our body to repair damaged tissue by increasing growth hormone and stem cell production. The energy conservation theory states that sleep allows for the body to repair and replenish cellular components necessary for biological functions that become depleted throughout the waking day.

Have trouble falling asleep? Mindfulness meditation has been shown to improve sleep quality and lifespan by decreasing ruminative thoughts and emotional reactivity. It has been proven to decrease stress and improve general health, which suggests that both sleep and stress levels play an important role in overall health, separately and in combination. 

Let’s remain mindful to gift ourselves a high-quality diet, less stress, increased exercise and quality pillow time. Remember, when we are sleeping, we are repairing, so rest well, my friends!

Candice Nicole is a health advocate and founder of HUmineral food derived mineral nutrients. She can be reached at [email protected] or (818) 400.7657. For more information, visit

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