Photo credit: Lani Garfield
Excitement is growing for the First Annual Desert Health® Wellness Awards! Designed to enhance the focus on health and wellness in our community, the event will recognize those who are making a difference, and inspire others to take action.
Approved nominees will be recognized in the issues of Desert Health® leading up to the event (see page 13) and top honors will be awarded at the evening celebration.
A sincere thank you to our Executive Committee who will be reviewing nominations and selecting winners: Tricia Gehrlein, Clinton Health Matters Initiative; Donna Sturgeon, Coachella Valley Economic Partnership; Margot Nelligan, The Desert Look; and Lisa Ford, Desert Medical Imaging.
Another team promoting healthy resources in our community is KMIR-TV with Janet Zappala’s Your Health Matters segment. In addition to being an Emmy award-winning journalist, Janet is a certified nutritional consultant, and we are proud to be partnering with her and KMIR to further promote the message of good health. So look for our collaborations in Desert Health® and on Janet’s segment Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 5p and 11p on KMIR and 10p on KPSE.
If there is someone or something that has made a positive impact on your health or the health and well-being of those around you, please consider nominating them for a Desert Health® Wellness Award. For more information visit DesertHealthNews.com/Events.
We look forward to seeing you at the many events kicking off the season, and hope you will join us on May 20th at the Desert Health®
Wellness Award!
Thank you for reading Desert Health®.
With appreciation ~
Lauren Del Sarto
Comments (2)
I would like to submit the name of Dr. Steven Gundry (Palm Springs). He is the best doctor ever. He educates and gives practical advise and knows nutrition.
Thank you, Judith! We know Dr. Gundry well and certainly consider this an accepted nomination for the Desert Health Wellness Awards. We will send him the announcement this week.
Thank you for reading Desert Health!
Lauren Del Sarto