In December, Valle Del Sol Elementary School in Coachella unveiled a new vending machine operated by coveted golden tokens awarded to children for positive actions and good behavior.

Their prize? A chosen book of their very own to bring home and share with family.
The book vending machines are the innovation of Global Vending Group whose goal is to increase literacy by creating a rewarding experience. The concept was created by owners and friends while brainstorming how they could give back to the community. Contributing to the advancement of literacy among all students became the vending company’s social responsibility campaign, and now Inchy’s Bookworm vending machines are at work in schools throughout the country.
“There is a literacy challenge within schools, partially due to a lack of engagement and excitement in reading books,” exclaimed Valle Del Sol Assistant Principal Jennifer Eyre who championed the project at her school. “Getting students excited to read by vending their favorite books and being able to take them home, will not only help increase a child’s literacy, but also improve family relationships through reading.”
Instead of coins, the machine uses a special golden token which the kids are rewarded for good grades, attendance, acts of kindness, accomplishments, reading efforts and other positive behavioral modifications. To add to the enthusiasm, the unit lights up and even talks. As books are distributed, new books take their place, creating endless opportunities for children to learn and engage.
The units start at $5,300 for standard chapter books and can be customized to include picture books for younger students and older kids who struggle with reading. Exterior designs can also be individualized to include school imagery or mascots, bilingual copy and more. Schools commonly fund this program via grants, community sponsorships, foundations and clubs, crowdfunding, fundraisers and parent teacher organizations and associations. Global Vending Group has many resources on their website.
Valle Del Sol secured their Inchy’s Bookworm via Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) they had earmarked as part of their Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support program (PBIS), an evidence-based initiative for supporting students’ behavioral, academic, social, emotional and mental health. The national program aims to develop a more positive school culture and has proven beneficial to both students and faculty.

“Every school should have some sort of plan to address student behavior and needs,” says Eyre. “Through PBIS, schools across the country look for ways to encourage kids to behave and to also teach positive behavior expectations.” She notes that not all students know how to behave as they may not have brothers or sisters at home, or were never taught expectations; facilitating the PBIS initiative teaches those social interaction lessons and rewards good behavior. Eyre says they are awarding tokens to approximately 20 kids per week.
Schools provide the books via donations, book fairs and school libraries. Valle Del Sol obtained many of theirs from Scholastic Books with whom they partner on annual book fairs.
“This combination of vending books and a reward system could bridge the gap between literacy and engagement,” adds Eyre. “And increased reading comprehension and engagement will seriously impact our students and their future.”
For more information on Valle Del Sol Elementary School’s book vending program, contact Jennifer Eyre at (760) 398.1025 or [email protected]. For more information on Inchy Bookworm vending machines, visit
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