Motivation and Movement

Tom Del Sarto with daughters Diana and Erin

I was unaware of the prevalence of arthritis in this country until I started researching our lead feature. 50% of Americans over 65. That’s 1 in 2. It’s you or your spouse. Your Mom or your Dad. I have to admit that part of the inspiration for this topic was my own forty-something body starting to speak louder in the mornings. Hearing my parents talk about their consumption of over-the-counter pain killers didn’t excite me either, so I was eager to learn about arthritis and alternative treatments for aches and pains.

In gathering information, we referenced reliable sources like the National Institutes of Health, major research hospitals and universities, and our local health care professionals. We discovered foods you can eat to help alleviate arthritic pain and inflammation, and those you should avoid. We found that some exercises are better for you than others, and many complementary modalities and supplements are proven effective.

Everyone agrees that we have to keep our achy bones moving–and yet that can be the hardest part. How do you get out and exercise, when the simplest tasks–like walking–hurt? We need motivation. And you will certainly find it in Patti Wright, our Health is a Choice story; or on page 25 where we feature local athletes Jim Scott (71) and Bill Bell (90), who just completed in the ITU World Triathlon Series in San Diego. And that is why I proudly placed a photo of my husband, Tom, and daughters Diana and Erin here. Their Father’s Day morning began with a full blown CrossFit training session which is no easy task for a fifty-something body. He survived and got to spend the rest of the day at a baseball game with his girls. For Tom, the best part was sharing their love of health and working out together.

Motivation also comes from understanding the source of your aches and pains, and the treatment options available. We have many great resources here in the Desert to educate, take part, and help you manage arthritis pain and symptoms. We are very appreciative of the practitioners and organizations who have contributed information to this issue. Their articles are noted by two tart cherries, which as you’ll read in our lead feature appear to be a super food for symptom relief.

Implementing change is never easy, but simple lifestyle modifications can greatly improve the way you feel. We can make healthy choices. If you take away one small bit of information from these pages that helps improve your quality of life, then we have done our job. And so have you.

Cheers to your health,

Lauren Del Sarto

Lauren Del Sarto

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