a-heathier-you-communityThis year, let’s all take an active role in our own health care.

Let’s educate ourselves and work with health care professionals who embrace ‘whole person care.’ We are fortunate to live in a community with an abundance of medical professionals, hospitals and natural health care practitioners who understand that educating consumers to take care of themselves and their loved ones is the only way to end our country’s health epidemics, such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

CHMI-pledge-seal_Hi-RezLet’s create a better tomorrow for ourselves, and then reach out to the community and see how we can help others. Desert Health® is honored to be a Clinton Health Matters Initiative Pledge Maker, and we continue our efforts to recruit medical professionals to volunteer just 4 hours a month to our community’s only free medical clinic, Coachella Valley’s Volunteers in Medicine. With a three-month patient waiting list, their need is great.

If you need inspiration to get on the path to good health, start in La Quinta. There are numerous free wellness activities taking place around the Humana Challenge and everyone is encouraged to attend.

As we enter our fourth year, we cannot thank you enough for reading Desert Health®. This publication would not exist without the continued support of our advertisers, so if you visit their businesses, please let them know you saw them on our pages.

Here’s to a healthy New Year for all!
Lauren Del Sarto
Lauren Del Sarto

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