Rosalina Navarro

Rosalina Navarro achieved the highest step count in DOHC’s first challenge totaling 1,124,229 (approximately 530 miles!)

Implementing a company-wide wellness campaign is no easy task, but Desert Oasis Healthcare (DOHC) has taken on the Coachella Valley Health Collaborative’s Healthy Lifestyle Challenge and employees are reaping the rewards.

“DOHC employees were eager for the Challenge to begin so they could start logging step counts and their physical activity,” stated Keri Goodrich, Director of Provider and Community Relations. DOHC’s first Challenge ran from February-April 2012 and approximately 120 employees took part. By the second Challenge in May, over 200 employees were on board.

To further motivate employees, DOHC created a prize structure. “At the end of each Challenge, the employee with the highest step count receives a trophy and gift card. The next ten runners up are awarded a certificate and gift card,” adds Goodrich. In addition to recognizing individuals, they developed a team competition. 15 teams comprised of 116 employees compete each week for the highest average step count. “Many of our employees wear pedometers to track their daily step count; however, most participants are engaging in a variety of physical activity from hiking to cycling to strength training to earn their spot at the top.”

DOHC is promoting the Challenge internally through e-blasts and printed flyers. Along with Challenge results updates, employees receive “Healthy Lifestyle Challenge Tip of the Day” e-mails containing fitness, diet and mental wellness tips. Lunchtime seminars such as the ‘Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less’ workshop, a 15-week program taught by one of their Registered Dieticians, shows employees how to make smart choices about diet and exercise. In April, a Healthy Workplace Fair was held providing employees an opportunity to visit with health and fitness companies in our community.

“During the past four months, I have received numerous messages from our employees thanking DOHC for caring about their individual health and wellness, and for rewarding employees for staying physically active,” states Goodrich. “We’ve heard from employees who have achieved weight loss of over 20 lbs and attribute their success in part to the motivation received through the Healthy Lifestyle Challenge.”

Desert Oasis Healthcare is one of many valley companies participating in the Collaborative’s Healthy Lifestyle Challenge. For more information and to sign up your company, contact Gary Jeandron, Project Director, at 760.341.2883 x 78163. [email protected] or visit

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