The vast array of books on healthy foods, latest diets and proper habits can be overwhelming. They all seem to say something different and it’s hard to know which recommendations are right for you.

What if you could hire a doctor to read them all and provide you with the best recommendations specific to your health? 

Well, your personal assessment has arrived. Our valley’s own Joseph E. Scherger, MD, has written a brief compilation of book reviews and the latest science in the field of functional medicine entitled “Restore Health: Disease Reversal” (2024).

After more than 40 years as a primary care physician working within “the system,” Dr. Scherger became disenchanted with prescribing medications in an attempt to help patients who returned to his office again and again. He began studying the growing field of functional medicine, based on prescribing food and lifestyle changes instead of drugs, and became immersed in the field’s science and life-saving results. 

A prolific reader and educator, Scherger has spent much of his time learning and assessing nutritional science, and how the foods we eat affect specific medical conditions, overall well-being and longevity. Over the years, we have featured many of his assessments in Desert Health and he has now brought them together in his
latest book.

He frequently reminds readers that most chronic diseases are reversible with a healthy diet and lifestyle.  He has seen this with hundreds of his patients who have weaned off medications and reversed heart disease, type 2 diabetes, hyperlipidemia, cancer and more. 

In “Restore Health,” Scherger packs a plethora of invaluable information in 100 easy-to-read pages, including which books to read for what conditions; what, when and how to eat, sleep and extend longevity; lists of superfoods, recommended supplements, meal plans and more.

Whether you are starting on your path to greater wellness, or moving further along on your journey, you are certain to learn life-enhancing lessons from this brief yet comprehensive health handbook.

“Restore Health: Disease Reversal: Essays and Book Reviews” is available at For more on Dr. Scherger and his online resources, visit Lauren Del Sarto is founder/publisher of Desert Health. 

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