Restorative yoga emphasizes the use of propsPhoto by Jayne Robertson

Restorative yoga emphasizes the use of props
Photo by Jayne Robertson

What is your ideal approach to relaxing and unwinding from your day? While each of us may have numerous approaches to relaxing, one technique to winding down is a healthy restorative yoga class. 

Allow me to introduce to you true bliss. 

Restorative yoga seeks to achieve physical, mental and emotional relaxation with the aid of props to stimulate and relax the body. 

One of the greatest yoga masters in the world, B.K.S. Iyengar, developed restorative yoga through using props in his other classes to assist with yoga postures. This style of yoga is now simply called Iyengar. A student of Iyengar’s, Judith Hanson Lasater, has popularized restorative yoga internationally writing eight books and instructing around the globe. A statement made by Lasater renders validity, “We may sleep, yet we rarely take time to rest.” Restorative yoga enables us to learn how to relax and rest deeply and completely. 

With our fast paced lives of today, it is common for the sympathetic nervous system to be overworked. When we are in over drive, we are stressed, creating tension. We are likely to be less productive when we are stressed versus when our parasympathetic nervous system is relaxed. Restorative yoga is an excellent antidote to the stressful and busy lives that we lead, allowing one to rest beyond the usual night’s sleep. 

There are a multitude of benefits derived from restorative yoga; it is good for anyone who suffers from stress, anxiety, loss of a loved one, relationship, or job. It is also beneficial for those who suffer from conditions such as chronic pain, migraines, arthritis, fatigue, and insomnia. 

A question often posed is, how does restorative yoga work? The use of props is heavily emphasized. Blankets, bolsters, blocks and straps are woven throughout the practice. The instructor facilitates a guided practice using the props in various postures (asanas). The instructor will share with you how to place your props so that you may receive the greatest benefits of the postures. The props assist and support your body and allow for an internal massage. 

There are also several postures available to help aid with specific ailments and conditions. For example, “legs up the wall,” also known as Viparita Karani (one of my favorite postures), is supported, passive and also an inversion. This posture reverses the blood flow, enhances circulation, calms the central nervous system and aids in insomnia. 

Restorative yoga encompasses physical, mental and emotional awareness. This style of class is ideal for a beginner and those seeking an introduction to yoga. 

Relaxing, reviving and renewing are what your mind, body and spirit deserve. 

Bronwyn Ison is the owner of Evolve Yoga in La Quinta and can be reached at (760) 564-YOGA or visit Desert Yoga Therapy will offer an Intensive Restorative Workshop for students and teachers who would like to deepen their knowledge and understanding of this relaxing form of yoga. Contact Jayne Robertson at [email protected] for more information regarding the workshop. 

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