JFK Memorial Hospital’s leadership understands well our former President’s (adapted) call to action. Investing in local students who are studying in health care programs continues to yield fruitful returns for JFK Memorial Hospital. Smart local employers recognize and look to local zip codes when recruiting. Investing in those students who are tied to, and are a part of the community, is recognized as the #1 retention metric in many local health care jobs.
In spite of the current economic pressures, JFK Memorial Hospital continues to prioritize meaningful student/teacher learning experiences including: Job Shadows, Internships, Faculty Externships, Disaster Drills, Professionals Mock Interviews, and Career Explorations Tours. Most recently, JFK under the direction of its CEO, Dan Bowers, and leadership of Linda Evans, Director of Physician and Community Development, hosted a Career Exploration Disaster Drill.
120 medical magnet school Dr.Carreon Academy 5th Grade students joined 40 employees, paramedics and Air Medical Transport personnel. The students learned how prepared their community is in the event of a disaster. They were given leadership roles and paired with hospital leaders to carry out their duties. Students role-played in the event, as managers, mock-victims, and support staff – and the day culminated in a helicopter visit and demonstration by Mercy Air and Reach Air Medical Transport personnel.

5th Grade students and their teachers at JFK Memorial Hospital.
Molly Groban, JFK’s Director of Education and Dara Villanueva, JFK’s Health and Wellness Coordinator, are vital links in matching students’ interests with hospital departments to provide students with the best experience possible during their field hours at JFK Memorial Hospital.
Since 2001, when its initial engagement began with 50 students from Coachella Valley High School’s California Partnership Medical Health Academy, JFK has invested time and resources in well over 2,000 local students. Supporting students from three high school health pathway programs, together with students from elementary and middle schools, The Regional Occupational Programs, The Healthy Family Foundation’s Ophelia Project and CVEP’s Pathways to Success Scholarship students, it is clear that JFK Memorial Hospital’s leadership is indeed a community partner in helping to mentor, train, and develop our region’s next generation of health care workforce.
And for that, we should ALL be truly grateful.
For more information on John F. Kennedy Memorial Hospital visit their website at www.jfkmemorialhosp.com. For more information on CVEP’s Workforce Excellence programs in healthcare, visit www.SmartStudentsGreatJobs.org and www.CVEP.com.
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