Winter and spring are challenging for a person like me for two reasons: the cold weather does not agree with my joints; and my practice is busier during this season due to the influx of desert visitors. As a massage therapist, I give 30 massages a week, approximately 6- 60 minute massages , 5 days a week.

People get massage for a lot of reasons and the majority want to feel better after their session is done. Some come to the spa to find relief for their stressed out body. Some come with minor muscular pain, while others have colds or feel the onset of flu and hope that the increase of circulation in their bodies will help them fight a viral infection.

The daily nonstop movement of my body, usually only breaking for lunch, is like a U-haul truck driving full throttle. By the end of the day, I feel I need a massage to get through another day. So I do get regular massage, but even that is not enough. So I try my best to take vitamins, eat healthier, exercise and rest. And whenever I feel my body is not getting the rejuvenation it needs for optimum performance, I turn to nutrition for extra help. I know food gives me energy, and I know if I eat smarter, I will feel better.


Magnesium is an essential mineral required by the body for maintaining normal nerve and muscle function, keeping healthy heart rhythm and building strong bones. Magnesium is involved in at least 300 biochemical reactions of the body.1

Magnesium-rich foods include bran-rice, wheat, and oat; chives, sage, basil, and cilantro; seeds of squash, pumpkin and sunflower; dark cocoa, almonds and cashews.


Glutathione (GSH) is an endogenous antioxidant, meaning it is made only by our bodies. Even though GSH is not found in our food sources, it is very important to eat foods high in glutathione peroxidase(GPX) because it is a powerful fighter of free radicals.2

Glutathione-rich foods include avocado, asparagus, broccoli, garlic, spinach, raw eggs and tomatoes.


Anthocyanins are a large subcategory of the bioflavoniod family. They are the pigments that give plants and fruits their beautiful colors. Plants and fruits use these phytochemicals and their powerful antioxidant properties to protect themselves against free radical damage caused by sunlight and other harsh environmental conditions. When we eat these foods, we will get the same antioxidant protection for ourselves.3

Anthocyanin-rich foods include acai, black currant, eggplant, blood orange, blackberry, raspberry, cherry, red grape, cranberry, strawberry and bilberry.

We are blessed to live in a country abundant with produce year round.

The resources are everywhere. Professional health providers are also there to help guide us. It is our lifestyle choices, starting with what we buy in the market, that make a big difference in our health…and in our lives.

Have a healthy one.

Jessica C. Blaisdell is a California State Certified Massage therapist with 8 years of experience and extended learning in holistic health care. Jessica can reach her at 760-401-1077 or email [email protected].

References: 1); 2); 3); 4)

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