Core Leadership Skills: Setting Priorities and Managing Time

This article first appeared in the Journal of Public Health Management and Practice (Sept/Oct 2023) and has been edited for length. Health care practitioners are navigating a time of significant change and uncertainty. Many feel burned out and exhausted after surviving the pandemic and are seeking help to set priorities and manage time more effectively.… Read more »

7 Ways to Become a Famous Doctor

Many professionals become experts in their field and long to share their passion, message or innovation with the world. One of the best ways to do this, of course, is via television, radio, print and online platforms which can reach millions. But this aspiration can be challenging – especially for those in the medical field… Read more »

Focus and Finish

Editor’s note: this article originally appeared in Forbes. My new mantra is “Focus and Finish.” I frequently say these three words out loud to remind myself to focus on getting the job done. As management guru Peter Drucker said, “Time is the scarcest resource, and unless it’s managed, nothing else can be managed.” No matter… Read more »

Harvest the Season

Merriam-Webster’s definition of harvest is to gather, remove or extract a crop or living cell. In the world of finance, it’s the season to review your potential tax liability for the current year and harvest unrealized losses to offset any realized gains.  Realized vs. unrealized. A realized gain (or loss) occurs when an asset or… Read more »