Fit at Any Age

Legendary choreographer Merce Cunningham’s advice was, “Begin anywhere!” For baby boomers and seniors, staying limber, active and strong is the best medicine for maintaining health and living their best life. Anyone at any age can get started and improve their quality of life by safely improving their physical health. Studies show that people with chronic… Read more »

Finding Grace

A while back, between stay-at-home orders, something happened that hadn’t happened in several months. We paid an in-person visit to my mother. She has dementia and is living in a small care facility 15 minutes from where we live. She receives excellent care and has been kept safe during the pandemic, where she is one… Read more »

Vitalism: A Naturopathic Perspective

In current culture, vitality is frequently associated only with youthful enthusiasm. In the field of naturopathic medicine, vitalism is the lifeforce, the spark within each of us. It was taught and passed down by our founders and is woven throughout our medical education. Unfortunately, the constraints of testing and diagnosing do not elaborate much on… Read more »

The Gift of Estate Planning

In researching my book, Leaving Life, I discovered that the lack of proper estate planning is somewhat of an epidemic within the baby-boomer generation. The result of not preparing a proper will or living trust can lead to heirs, partners and children fighting over assets or possessions. Irreparable relationships are often the byproduct of settling… Read more »

Do Less

It is said that you need to see or hear something three times before it fully lands. If that’s the case, I have now heard the call to “Do Less” on three separate occasions. The first was in 2006, when someone said to me that I seemed to have only one speed…full throttle, 110 percent.… Read more »

Silhouette of woman praying.

Forgiving Yourself

The more I understand forgiveness, the closer I come to understanding that forgiveness is an inside job. It truly has nothing to do with the other person(s) or situation(s) which have done you wrong. Until you have done some serious and deep internal work, you may keep telling yourself that you have forgiven the other… Read more »

Is Alcohol Putting Your Immune System at Risk?

2020 has been a monster of a year, with shelter-in-place orders and constant, head-spinning policy changes. It’s no wonder people fall back to unhealthy coping mechanisms such as poor eating and drinking habits.  In April, the World Health Organization issued a press release warning against alcohol consumption. At the same time, according to Nielsen ratings,… Read more »

You are worth the effort

You Are Worth the Effort

As we continue to struggle with settling into the new norm, we know that establishing routines is important for our mental and physical health. This is especially true when considering diet and exercise. Even if you’ve let yourself go over these past few months, it’s never too late to get back on track. Remember, you… Read more »