Experiment with Prioritizing Protein

Many use this time of year to make lifestyle changes to look leaner and feel healthier. To help, I thought I’d propose a “planned food experiment” to inspire readers to prioritize meals and snacks around protein.  Protein is the most filling macronutrient and, in the right amount, keeps cravings and hunger at bay for hours.… Read more »

The Missing Link

Most of us take vitamin supplements, but what about minerals? Minerals are natural organic matter created over time and found in the earth’s many elements. Before commercial farming, nutrient-dense minerals were plentiful in our soil and the foods we ate. Today’s fruits and vegetables are often void of these substances due to depleted soils, thus,… Read more »

Spice Rack Medicine: Turmeric

With the “Food as Medicine” conference in town this September, I thought it fitting to spotlight one of the healthiest spices around, turmeric. Turmeric has climbed the spice ladder and is one of the latest crazes in food stardom. This fame is well deserved, from its sacred color to its long list of health benefits.… Read more »

Nattokinase: Nature’s Blood Thinner

Nattokinase is an enzyme derived from the traditional Japanese food, natto, which is made from fermented soybeans and has been enjoyed for centuries. Natto is sticky with an earthy, slightly bitter taste, much like aged cheese and is believed to contribute to the longevity of the Japanese people. Nattokinase’s medicinal benefits were first discovered in… Read more »

Book: Uncompressed

Chef AJ’s Unprocessed: Revitalize Your Health with Whole Foods

Abbie Jaye, aka Chef AJ, is a nationally recognized champion of whole food, plant-based cooking and has been sharing its benefits for nearly four decades.  I have had the pleasure of meeting Chef AJ several times and her enthusiasm and positive spirit are infectious. She has received numerous awards for her work and is recommended… Read more »

Nature Wants Us to Be Fat

Nature Wants Us to Be Fat

We are all survivors of food scarcity as our ancestors lived through multiple periods of famine. We survive by storing body fat.  Richard J. Johnson, MD, of the University of Colorado, is a leading physician and scientist who studies fat storage as the “survival switch” to protect us from starvation. He shares his findings in… Read more »

Benefits of Glutathione: More Than Just Detox

Glutathione has long played a crucial role in balancing oxidative stressors in our body which occur from such things as environmental toxicity, immune insults (infections and viruses) and inflammatory injury. Glutathione is one of your body’s most abundant and potent antioxidants. It aids in detoxification as a free-radical scavenger and plays an important role in… Read more »

Feeding Your Heart to Boost Brain Health

A study conducted in 2019 by the Global Council on Brain Health (GCBH), an AARP-sponsored independent collaborative of experts in their fields, concluded that keeping heart and blood vessels healthy reduces the risk of cognitive decline and dementia. The study showed that risks associated with cardiovascular disease like high blood pressure, diabetes and high cholesterol… Read more »