Nutritional Deficiencies Caused by Pharmaceutical Medications

Treatment for long-term conditions such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, chronic pain and acid reflux, often includes pharmaceuticals taken over long periods of time, and potentially for a lifetime. While pharmaceuticals may be medically necessary, they often have unknown, adverse, or poorly understood health effects. Though it has been observed that prolonged use of… Read more »

Nutritional Health Care: Q&A

I was on my way to the local farmer’s market this morning thinking about writing this column. In honor of National Nutrition Month, I decided to address an often-asked question regarding nutrition derived from today’s food… Q: “Do I really need to take vitamins or supplements?” A: In 1936, during the 74th U.S. Congress, a… Read more »

Grocery Shopping Tips

Don’t let grocery shopping get you down. By coming to the store prepared, you are more likely to have a successful trip. Use the tips below to help jump-start your next grocery run: Stick to the outer parameters of the store. This is where fresh foods like veggies, fruits, and lean meats usually reside. Save… Read more »