Dopamine Driven Sugar Addiction

In my practice as a nutrition consultant, I am continually trying to support people in their struggle with foods that sabotage their health goals. In my own life I am constantly battling my own “sugar addiction.”  Eating and the desire to eat stimulate different mechanisms in the brain. Dopamine, the neurotransmitter I introduced in the… Read more »

More Veggies Made Easy

More Veggies Made Easy

We all want to eat more vegetables, but often the effort gets boring. Eating more of the same old thing – salads, sautéed, steamed or roasted veggies – diminishes your enthusiasm and can derail your efforts. The secret is to keep things interesting and easy.  Since starting a pescatarian diet in January (primarily vegetables and… Read more »

Gluten Free with Tiffany

Meal Plans

Meal plans are the number one request I get from new clients who are fed up with dieting. Meal plans are set recipes for days or weeks, measured out and calculated, telling you exactly what to eat and when. Seems like a slam dunk success, right? The dreamy concept of following a done-for-you plan and… Read more »

Exercising on a Ketogenic Diet

It seems the hot diet trend these days is the term ketosis. People are losing weight quickly and keeping it off with a great deal of discipline and significant effort. The aim of a ketogenic diet is to keep your body in a metabolic state called ketosis. Our bodies normally burn carbohydrates for energy. When… Read more »

Nuts about (Young) Coconuts!

Phew. It’s been a very hot summer. Personally, I must be mindful of keeping hydrated to maintain a proactive lifestyle in this scorching heat and humidity. What better thing to help with hydration than fresh young coconuts, to help us transition into fall! Coconuts have become all the rage in the wellness industry from the… Read more »

Healthy Italian Traditions

There are many beautiful lessons woven into historic Italian traditions which continue to be passed down through generations. A few weeks on the Amalfi Coast offered me the opportunity to see firsthand why Italians live longer, better-quality lives than most other nations, despite their blatant enjoyment of wine, pasta, cheese, and pastries on an almost… Read more »

Health Benefits of Cinnamon

Cinnamon is well-known as an aromatic spice that people enjoy adding to oatmeal and baked goods. Less well-known is the fact that it can also be used therapeutically to improve several common health conditions including high blood sugar, high cholesterol and high blood pressure. Cinnamon is derived from the bark of several species of Cinnamomum… Read more »

Delicious Without Debt

Whether you’re someone who walks the grocery store aisles with the calculator app perpetually open or ends up shamefacedly setting things aside at the self-checkout as you see the grand total rising much higher than anticipated, you may have noticed food prices are up. There are many factors at play here, one being that over… Read more »

Mushrooms: Food for the Soul

The reputation of mushrooms has varied over the decades. There are many varieties of this curious delight from the most common button mushroom to the more exotic Brazilian blazei or the Japanese nameko. They can be delicious, nutritious, deadly, magical, toxic – and very mysterious. With their meaty texture and filling density, it’s no wonder… Read more »

Gluten Free with Tiffany

Benefits of Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting (IF) is a popular method of weight loss with the additional benefits of increased energy, lowered inflammation, improved insulin sensitivity, revved-up metabolism, and possibly even cancer prevention. IF is simply applied by extending the hours between dinner and breakfast. The fasting period typically ranges from 12 to 18 hours. Men do particularly well… Read more »


Why do some choose a raw food diet? Eating raw means food is not cooked over 116 degrees.  When foods are cooked, the natural enzymes in foods that are most beneficial to our gut and bodies become inactive.  This applies to any plant- or meat-based natural food; however, eating raw meat is not advised.  Most… Read more »