Holiday Mindfulness

I love this time of year. As November draws near, I start thinking about my holiday menus, invite lists and the flurry of activity and travel that are sure to ensue. It’s time for cooking, entertaining and all the merrymaking of the season.  But with that also comes the temptation of veering off course from… Read more »

Harvesting Gratitude This Fall

Autumn, with its traditionally referenced vibrant foliage and crisp air, provides a perfect backdrop for cultivating gratitude. As nature prepares for a season of rest, we also can mirror this process in our own lives by embracing mindfulness and appreciation, and spending time in reflection and letting go.  Yoga, a practice that harmonizes the mind,… Read more »

Let’s Shatter the Stigma

I’m done with mental health being such a taboo topic of conversation. I’m done with the initial shock of others when bringing up my own mental health in a conversation. I’m so done with mental illness issues being treated as rare and shameful. Having an experienced perspective on mental health is both fortunate and unfortunate.… Read more »

Why Can’t You Just Get Over It?

We all have a backstory; experiences that make us who we are today including the good, bad and ugly. However, there are many who keep their innermost secrets of emotional/sexual grief, loss and traumas silent, deeply hidden somewhere in the darkness only to pop up when triggering events occur. Even then, without conscious awareness, past… Read more »

Playing the Game of Life

“The Game of Life is not a game at all with winners and losers. You compete with only yourself, bettering what you did the day before. We are born, we grow, we constantly learn, we love. People change, people leave and believe. New friends emerge. Wisdom is discovered and then you are born again.” ~… Read more »