I love this time of year. As November draws near, I start thinking about my holiday menus, invite lists and the flurry of activity and travel that are sure to ensue. It’s time for cooking, entertaining and all the merrymaking of the season. But with that also comes the temptation of veering off course from… Read more »
Mental Health
Creativity Lives in the Now
- By Reverend David Flint
- November/December 2023
It is true that change is the eternal constant. The average human body is replacing over 3.8 million cells a second, approximately 140 million babies are born every day and 275 million stars are born every year. And each moment of our lives is completely and uniquely different than any other moment that ever was… Read more »
Expanding Consciousness to Counter Fears
- By Peter Canova
- November/December 2023
Fear is the greatest impediment to our health and well-being, not illness, pollution, GMO food tampering or war. Fear casts a shadow over our lives from the day we are born to the day we pass on. It’s the root cause of all the things mentioned above, affecting our mental, emotional and physical health. Hopefully,… Read more »
It’s a tepid desert evening as the sky fades from sunset to dusk. Small floating lights sway on a crystal blue pool surrounded by hundreds of flickering candles. Soothing music and the scent of lavender fill the air. You take a deep breath and snuggle into your plush blanket and pillow as your floating vessel… Read more »
The Dangers of Hidden Anger
- By Amy Austin, PSYD, LMFT
- September/October 2023
When a toddler has a meltdown because they didn’t get the Skittles they had to have, they are seeking autonomy and a sense of independence by stating, “I am me! I am here! Listen to me!” However, an adult losing it with a loved one, impulsively reacting with insults or sarcasm, can be a sign… Read more »
Harvesting Gratitude This Fall
- By Jennifer Yockey
- September/October 2023
Autumn, with its traditionally referenced vibrant foliage and crisp air, provides a perfect backdrop for cultivating gratitude. As nature prepares for a season of rest, we also can mirror this process in our own lives by embracing mindfulness and appreciation, and spending time in reflection and letting go. Yoga, a practice that harmonizes the mind,… Read more »
The Miraculous Medicine of a Grateful Heart
- By Sharon R. Guthrie, PhD
- September/October 2023
Amidst the busyness of life, it is easy to forget the little things that contribute to our overall health and wellness. Gratitude, defined as an appreciation of the good things in one’s life, is one of those often-overlooked things. Recent research in quantum science and psychology, however, indicates that one of the most powerful components… Read more »
Summer is in the rear-view mirror and fall is at our doorstep. Before transitioning to the blossoming season, it is helpful to reminisce upon summer and reflect upon our experiences. Stepping forward with wisdom often involves looking back as to where we’ve been and the lessons we’ve gleaned. In a personal reflection, I revisited memories… Read more »
Let’s Shatter the Stigma
- By Student Emma Feller
- July/August 2023
I’m done with mental health being such a taboo topic of conversation. I’m done with the initial shock of others when bringing up my own mental health in a conversation. I’m so done with mental illness issues being treated as rare and shameful. Having an experienced perspective on mental health is both fortunate and unfortunate.… Read more »
Quiet the Mind and Find Inner Peace
- By Dipika Patel, CHHC
- July/August 2023
We persistently find answers to what we are seeking, and there will always be others looking for the same answers. We will continue to find conversations and thoughts of turbulence if we search for them. If we are looking for mayhem, we will find mayhem. If we are looking for peace, we will find peace.… Read more »
The Healing Power of Forgiveness
- By Reverend Dale Olansky
- July/August 2023
When most people hear the word forgiveness, they grimace at the prospect of having to let someone off the hook who has caused them harm. Let’s face it – letting go of anger and resentment doesn’t come easily to most of us. However, holding on to it is harming only one person: ourselves. It is… Read more »
The emotional state FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) took center stage as social media came to fruition. Looking at pictures of fancy trips, friends beaming with accomplishments and individuals’ alluring pastimes may leave us yearning for similar experiences. We might work to keep up and fill our schedules to appear as if we have substantive… Read more »
Are You Ready to Release the Kraken?
- By Rev. Laura Shackelford
- May/June 2023
Do you know people who seem to get everything in life they desire – the perfect relationship, an incredible job, financial abundance – and their lives are filled with joy and happiness? They seem to have the Midas touch. Are you one of these people? If so, you probably don’t need to read any further… Read more »
Overcoming the Feeling of Being Alone
- By Dipika Patel, CHHC
- May/June 2023
I often experience clients struggling with being alone or feeling loneliness. With this article, my goal is not to get into the semantics of this word, but to bring awareness to what this may mean for you. The experience of loneliness can often stem from unresolved issues or trauma from the past, particularly from childhood.… Read more »
Think Good and It Will Be Good
- By Amy Austin, PSYD, LMFT
- May/June 2023
Why is it so difficult to delete, refresh or update the 60,000 thoughts we have daily? We can clear the cache of our computers and the data is instantly gone. Our thoughts seem to be hardwired into the hard drives of our consciousness; stored forever in a cloud called our past. This documented history can… Read more »
These days, many individuals are seeking ways to be calm and in the present, appreciate their lives and develop practices to stay focused. The financial events over the past few years have provided a perfect opportunity to practice these tools. Mindfulness. According to mindfulness.org, “Mindfulness is the basic human ability to be fully present,… Read more »
Taking a Bite Out of Stress
- By Sarah Koshniyati, DDS
- March/April 2023
Do you find yourself grinding or clenching your teeth during the day or waking up in the morning with jaw pain? These can be signs that you may have bruxism, which is defined as a movement disorder that involves parafunctional habits of grinding or clenching of teeth. There are two different categories of bruxism: diurnal,… Read more »
Why Can’t You Just Get Over It?
- By Amy Austin PSYD, LMFT
- March/April 2023
We all have a backstory; experiences that make us who we are today including the good, bad and ugly. However, there are many who keep their innermost secrets of emotional/sexual grief, loss and traumas silent, deeply hidden somewhere in the darkness only to pop up when triggering events occur. Even then, without conscious awareness, past… Read more »
The Power of Your Breath to Heal
- By Susan Dunn
- March/April 2023
Everything is energy, including emotions. When we experience emotional energy through significant life events that induce trauma or stress, ideally, we process that emotion and move through it. But that’s not always the case. Sometimes energy can become trapped in our bodies and cause physical discomfort, emotional distress, illness and more. You may be… Read more »
Playing the Game of Life
- By Dipika Patel, CHHC
- March/April 2023
“The Game of Life is not a game at all with winners and losers. You compete with only yourself, bettering what you did the day before. We are born, we grow, we constantly learn, we love. People change, people leave and believe. New friends emerge. Wisdom is discovered and then you are born again.” ~… Read more »
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