How bodies process sugar

How Our Bodies Process Sugar

The food we consume is made up of three nutrients: proteins, fat and carbohydrates. Of the carbohydrates, there are three types: sugar, starch and fiber. Sugars are the simplest form of carbohydrates and examples include sucrose (table sugar), glucose (our body’s source of energy) and fructose (found in fruits and certain vegetables). Table sugar is… Read more »

Longevity May Start in Our Youth

According to a new study from researchers at Loma Linda University, the key to living a long life lies in the behaviors started as young children. The study, published in The Permanente Journal, looked at seniors and centenarians in North America’s only Blue Zone, Loma Linda, to determine their exposure to adverse childhood experiences (ACEs)… Read more »

Stress Reducing Breath Exercises

For thousands of years, yogis and sages from eastern cultures have understood the importance of diaphragmatic and deep breathing. More recently, through the efforts of mind-body thought leaders such as Jon Kabat-Zinn and Herbert Benson, the paramount importance and health benefits of deep breathing practices have been widely utilized in treating anxiety disorders and stress… Read more »

Organic Acids Testing

Organic acids tests (OAT) can be a great help in determining the root cause of many pathologies, particularly those for which the source can be challenging to identify. OAT provides an accurate metabolic snapshot of what’s going on in one’s body in a way that can be far more helpful than standard blood serum labs.… Read more »

How Unhealthy is Alcohol?

Moderate alcohol consumption has been touted for its health benefits. It is often stated in the media that it is healthy to have a glass of wine for the resveratrol it offers the heart; however, you should consider that eating half a cup of red grapes offers more resveratrol for the heart with no side… Read more »

Extracting Heavy Metal Toxicity

Heavy metal exposure is a growing health concern worldwide due to multiple industrial, domestic, agricultural, medical and technological uses which have affected the worldwide environment. Their toxicity depends on several factors including the dose, route of exposure, length of exposure, as well as the age, gender, genetics and nutritional status of the exposed individuals. Because… Read more »

Try Essential Oils Before Drugs

For nearly a century, antibiotics have been used to control bacteria that can make us sick. But in recent decades, bacteria have evolved to be resistant to some or all known antibiotics. These are called “superbugs,” with MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphlococcus aureus) being the best known. Certain strains of tuberculosis, pneumonia, gonorrhea and diarrheal diseases also… Read more »