Sound Immersion

The practice of sound bathing, or immersing oneself in the vibrations of various instruments such as singing bowls and gongs, has been gaining popularity in recent years. However, its roots can be traced back centuries to ancient civilizations such as the Egyptians and Greeks who recognized the healing powers of vibrational sound. In my personal… Read more »

Keep Breathing

Keep breathing. Sounds so simple, doesn’t it? And yet, so profound. Last summer we were blessed with the opportunity to spend six weeks in our travel trailer visiting family and friends in Washington State. In an RV park near Seattle, I noticed a gentleman sitting on a rock wall every morning as I walked our… Read more »

Coping with Holiday Blues

The holidays are here, and we are all looking forward to a “normal” season after two years of pandemic. Holidays remind us of spending time with family, enjoying good food and being merry. But that isn’t always the case for everyone.  This time of year, nearly 10% of Americans report seasonal affective disorder and many… Read more »

The Simple Things

As our worlds have opened after COVID, and I have regained my health after cancer, I have contemplated what sustained me through these past couple of years. What I concluded is that the simplest of things have been the most important. Somehow noticing the daily gifts present all around me makes me feel most alive… Read more »

There is No Shame in Struggle

We all go through tough times. It is normal to feel anxious, sad, grief, uncertainty and a host of other feelings within the same month – or even the same day.  Throughout the pandemic, many individuals have struggled with isolation, financial hardship, and simple boredom. To top it off, political strife, human rights violations and… Read more »

Mental Fasting

We have been hearing a lot about the benefits of intermittent fasting as decreased inflammation and weight loss often accompany eating less or eating in less hours of the day. The main reason this works is because of autophagy (“aa-TAA-fuh-jee”), which is the self-cleaning our body does when we have fasted more than 10 hours.… Read more »

You Are Not Your Trauma

Do you find yourself repeating past hurts, habits and hang-ups? Maybe they only show up in some areas of your life, or maybe they are showing up in all areas. Maybe you think that it’s everyone else’s fault, and you did not create the experience you are having. Do you feel down and heavy because… Read more »

Business As Usual

Trouble Returning to Normalcy?

“Return to normalcy” was a campaign slogan used by President Harding in 1920 after World War I and the Spanish Flu; both he felt had altered the perspective of humanity. The phrase was used again in the 2020 presidential campaign when the goal was to address the COVID-19 pandemic and end divisiveness between people.  But,… Read more »

Sharing Student Mental Wellness Resources

Online learning during the pandemic fueled the rise in mental illness. As behavioral health students in the Health Academy at Coachella Valley High School, we knew that we were negatively impacted by the pandemic and three out of the four of us felt that our abilities faltered through online learning. A survey conducted at Coachella… Read more »