A Safe Return from Your World Travels

Travel medicine is a specialty field which concentrates on the health and well-being of individuals traveling internationally. One of the most important aspects is providing preventive information and medical advice related to the health risks associated with specific international destinations. Travel medicine also provides essential information about the prevention of various infections, local health requirements,… Read more »

DAP Health Acquires Borrego Health

DAP Health has successfully completed their acquisition of Borrego Health, a federally qualified health center serving San Diego County, the Inland Empire and the Western Riverside, Eastern Coachella Valley and Mountain Pass regions. The move will bring DAP’s award-winning, holistic, patient-centric model of health care to more communities and thousands more individuals and families throughout… Read more »

Transforming Care through Wisdom and Compassion

In 2021, the renowned New York Zen Center for Contemplative Care launched the Contemplative Medicine Fellowship, a 12-month training for physicians, advanced practice registered nurses and physician assistants, designed to immerse participants in the alleviation of suffering while supporting clinic responsibilities. The following editorial, which first appeared in the international journal Palliative & Supportive Care,… Read more »

Wildfires Impact Everyone

Though most of the Coachella Valley is not in what we consider the Wildland Urban Interface (WUI), where brush fires threaten hillside homes, we can still be affected by smoke particles released into the air from those fires. This reminder was recently made very clear with the effects of Canadian wildfires on air quality in… Read more »

Our Future with A.I. and ChatGPT

At a recent business conference, every session talked about ChatGPT and A.I. which made me question, should mankind be concerned? Will procedures and policies be put in place to manage the technology and potential threats?  Recently, AP News reported that a couple of lawyers were fined for using falsely produced case references that ChatGPT had… Read more »

Longevity Hotspot

Will We Become a Blue Zone?

Not too long ago Palm Springs was commonly referred to as Heaven’s Doorstep or God’s Waiting Room. Seniors from all over the country ascended in droves to bask in the sun, play tennis and golf and toast cocktails with friends for their “final act.” Retirement in the palm-laden paradise offered idyllic living that was soon… Read more »

International Plant-Based Nutrition Healthcare Conference Returns

Registration is now open for the 11th annual International Plant-Based Nutrition Healthcare Conference (PBNHC) taking place September 8-11 at the JW Marriott Desert Springs Resort & Spa in Palm Desert.  This annual CME-accredited medical event brings together health care professionals from around the world to learn the latest research on the power of nutrition to… Read more »

Celebrating Naturopathic Medicine

In May, we celebrate Naturopathic Medicine Week to spread awareness on how naturopathic doctors (ND) provide safe, effective and individualized health care to our diverse patient population. Naturopathic medicine is a holistic approach to health care that emphasizes prevention and seeking the root cause to promote health and wellbeing. It encompasses modalities from both conventional… Read more »

How Does Your Garden Grow?

Season has come to a close, hopefully allowing for less hectic schedules and more time for sharing healthy and leisurely meals at home with family and friends. Wouldn’t it be special if some portion of your feasts came from your very own organic garden?  While May and June are not the most ideal months to… Read more »

Travel Health Insurance

Packing for your summer vacation means finding room for all the essentials. One that many might forget is travel health insurance.  Now, keep in mind that trip insurance and travel insurance are very different. Trip insurance, usually purchased from your agent or online booking site, insures you against loss for having to cancel or postpone… Read more »

Spreading Kindness Throughout La Quinta High School and Beyond

La Quinta High School (LQHS) Medical Health Academy is now giving their students an opportunity to support and encourage one another by becoming LQHS Peer Helpers. The emotional toll from the pandemic has brought to light the importance of self-care and positive coping skills within all age groups. Since then, Stacey Bolanos, a Medical Health… Read more »

Playing with Purpose

The Coachella Valley is a uniquely special place, and much of that has to do with our longstanding fervor for fun and philanthropy. Early on, our ever-shining sun and spectacular landscapes set the stage for our “playground to the stars.” Today, those same elements attract a variety of world-renowned events that entertain and support us. … Read more »