Destination Health

The world is seeking wellness. Whether at home in our daily lives or traveling abroad, more and more people are making health a priority and propelling the global wellness industry to a $3.7 trillion market. Wellness is the “state of being in good health especially as an actively sought goal,” and the sectors that make… Read more »

Jennifer DiFrancesco

Taking The Waters

The word “spa” comes from a small 14th century town known for curative, thermal mineral springs. From this location, the Latin phrase “sanitas per aquas” (health through water) originated. Treating the body through baths and water traveled from ancient Greece and the Roman Empire to the Renaissance era. By the 20th century. doctors in Europe… Read more »

Going Organic…with Hair Color

Today many of us choose natural body products as healthier options knowing that what we apply is absorbed into our skin. But what about our regular trips to the beauty salon? Fortunately, healthier options can be found there as well. When it comes to color, choosing organic over traditional options is becoming increasingly popular and… Read more »

Welcome Summertime!

Yes, that’s me enjoying a cool cascade of nature’s medicine from the mineral-rich waters of Desert Hot Springs. The secret is out and wellness retreats are springing up as investors seek this liquid treasure and its ability to heal what ails us.  In this edition, we introduce some of the area’s hidden gems. Explore to… Read more »


Please Pass the Salt

Is salt good for us or not? The human body cannot live without sodium, but excessive amounts can lead to high blood pressure. Salt is most commonly known for flavoring food, but there are many types and uses that are actually beneficial.  Our body uses salt to balance fluids in the blood and maintain healthy… Read more »

So glad you could join us!

I’m Lauren Del Sarto, a meticulous professional who has burned the candle at both ends my entire life. When I reached my 40s, I committed to finally achieving a healthy life balance. At 58, I’m still working at it – and thoroughly enjoying the journey. They say achieving balance can be a lifelong struggle, but… Read more »

What’s on That Label, Egg-xactly?

Now that we are well into spring, that season in the desert which can seem all too fleeting, the public’s attention often turns to eggs. In the U.S. people buy close to 180 million eggs1 around Easter time for dyeing and hunting. Eggs, however, are an agricultural product that defies seasonality. They’re available year-round and… Read more »