Understanding Myasthenia Gravis

Imagine eating dinner with friends and struggling to chew your baked potato, giving a presentation at work when suddenly you start slurring your words or walking up the stairs of your home and finding yourself out of breath. Your legs don’t want to lift the way they should, and when you reach the middle step,… Read more »

Options for Painful Diabetic Neuropathy

Thirty four million Americans, about 10% of the U.S. population, have diabetes.  Diabetics are at risk for a number of complications from the disease including neuropathy (nerve damage) which affects approximately 60% of diabetics, nephropathy (kidney damage) affecting 50%, retinopathy (eye damage) impacting 26% and cardiovascular disease which affects 11% of people with diabetes. Blood… Read more »

Life After Cancer

It’s been 2,259 days since my oncologist told me I no longer had cancer. When I stop to think about each day, it still brings tears to my eyes and butterflies to my belly. I have learned so much about who I am as a person, and how I want to show up in the… Read more »

Focus and Finish

Editor’s note: this article originally appeared in Forbes. My new mantra is “Focus and Finish.” I frequently say these three words out loud to remind myself to focus on getting the job done. As management guru Peter Drucker said, “Time is the scarcest resource, and unless it’s managed, nothing else can be managed.” No matter… Read more »

Mobile Clinic to Serve and Educate

The Desert Healthcare District and Foundation (DHCD) and community partners have launched a new mobile clinic to deliver medical and behavioral health services to underserved communities throughout the valley.  Doctors from Desert Physicians Medical Group (DPMG), nursing faculty and students from CSUSB’s Nursing Street Medicine Program and Desert Regional Medical Center residents are providing quality… Read more »

Long COVID: Is it a “Thing”?

As the pandemic morphs on a regular basis, with new case numbers ebbing and flowing, many people are still recovering from COVID. Whether infected once, twice, three times or more, a subset of patients feel they never fully recovered as their COVID symptoms appear to linger. For some, symptoms may include chronic fatigue and malaise… Read more »

Head Injuries in Children

Seasoned parents Jesse and Nicole Rodriquez aren’t surprised when their adventurous kids get hurt. When they took their youngest son, 10-year old Samuel, to the doctors to get stitches after an accident, panic set in as the doctors called a medevac to transport him to a highly trained pediatric neurosurgeon, Tanya Minasian, DO, FACS, at… Read more »

Clarifying Hospice vs. Palliative Care

When you think of hospice care, what comes to mind? For many, it is associated with the end of life – a time when a loved one is close to death and receiving special care in their final days or weeks. However, hospice care can also be received long before the final days of life.… Read more »

Diabetes and Your Oral Health

Maintaining your oral health is essential to your overall wellbeing and can help prevent pain and infections in the mouth. However, did you know that people with diabetes are at a higher risk for both early-stage gum disease (gingivitis) and advanced gum disease (periodontitis)?  Diabetes affects the body’s overall ability to process sugar. In type… Read more »

Leaders Changing Medicine

In September, I was honored to attend The Plantrician Project’s Plant-Based Nutrition Healthcare Conference. It was inspiring to be among so many practitioners from around the world stepping beyond conventional medicine to learn about incorporating nutrition and lifestyle into their practices. The goal of the annual event, now in its 10th year, is to educate… Read more »

The Value of a Second Opinion

Your doctor walks into the room with your test results. She looks concerned. The symptoms you’ve been worried about indicate a serious problem and she wants you to start a regimen immediately. You can’t think, your heart is racing and your first instinct is just to follow orders. On the contrary, consider this: your doctor… Read more »

Salivating for Good Health

Saliva plays a huge role for oral health, yet remains one of the most neglected factors considered in overall health. You may ask, how does it affect my overall health?  Saliva is an extracellular fluid carrying essential enzymes that aid in the break down of food particles in the first stages of digestion. It is… Read more »

Keep Breathing

Keep breathing. Sounds so simple, doesn’t it? And yet, so profound. Last summer we were blessed with the opportunity to spend six weeks in our travel trailer visiting family and friends in Washington State. In an RV park near Seattle, I noticed a gentleman sitting on a rock wall every morning as I walked our… Read more »

Coping with Holiday Blues

The holidays are here, and we are all looking forward to a “normal” season after two years of pandemic. Holidays remind us of spending time with family, enjoying good food and being merry. But that isn’t always the case for everyone.  This time of year, nearly 10% of Americans report seasonal affective disorder and many… Read more »