In our vastly expanding world of information, it is no secret that what we choose to eat can directly affect our overall health. Chronic diseases continue to be a critical health concern across America. In 2018, the Centers for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC) conducted a study estimating that 85 million adults consume fast food… Read more »
Do We Need Electrolyte Drinks?
- By Jessica Needle, ND
- July/August 2020
Electrolyte hydration drinks are big business. The market is valued at $1.5 billion per year and growing due to increased awareness about health and fitness, along with a desire to avoid carbonated beverages. But before you gulp down a Gatorade or Emergen-C, let’s discuss what electrolytes are, whether you need to supplement them and potential… Read more »
Supporting Our Warrior White Blood Cells
- By Amanda Beckner, CN, HHP, PhD
- May/June 2020
While white blood cells (WBC) account for only one percent of our blood, they have an enormous impact on our entire system and protect the body from illness and disease. Moving within our bloodstream, they work with our immune system as little warriors constantly doing battle to fight infections, bacteria and other foreign invaders. Most… Read more »
Customizing Your Carb Count on Keto
- By Michelle Borthwick
- March/April 2020
The ketogenic, or keto, diet is a low-carb, high-fat diet growing in popularity due to the many health benefits it can offer. The concept is to drastically reduce carbohydrate intake and increase healthy fat intake which puts your body into a metabolic state called ketosis. When this happens, your body becomes very efficient at burning… Read more »
For a while there, it seemed that kale was at the top of the superfood kingdom…on nearly every menu and making its way into practically everything. Even fast food eatery Chick-fil-A rolled out a superfood kale salad. The ubiquitous McDonald’s also incorporated the healthy green, offering a kale breakfast bowl. Now in 2020, it seems… Read more »
Why Keto is Taking the World by Storm
- By Michelle Borthwick
- November/December 2019
Who’s heard of Keto? At this point almost everyone, even if they aren’t completely sure what it is and how it works. Celebrities like Gwyneth Paltrow, Halle Berry, Tim Tebow and Lebron James didn’t start the ketogenic, or keto diet trend, but they’ve certainly added fuel to the already-hot fire. Keto is taking the world… Read more »
Raw Vegan in The Valley
- By Stacey Bendfelt
- November/December 2019
What is a raw vegan diet and why the heck would anyone follow it? I’ve been doing so for over 12 years now and can’t imagine eating any other way. A raw vegan diet includes fruit, vegetables, nuts and seeds not heated over 115 degrees. There is an elegant simplicity to eating raw vegan. Meal… Read more »
These Are a Few of My Favorite Things
- By Lauren Del Sarto
- November/December 2019
If you’ve decided to cut down or eliminate sugar, I salute you. It isn’t easy. It’s in almost everything which you quickly learn when you give it up. And with the holidays here, temptations are sure to grow. Sticking with Mother Nature’s bounty and reading labels is the only way to stay true to your… Read more »
5 Natural Habits of Healthy People
- By Tiffany Dalton
- September/October 2019
Modern conveniences developed over the decades have made it hard for us to know what “healthy” means or looks like anymore. Here are a few instinctual habits of healthy people that are more in line with our human design. 1. Eat real food. When we eat food that comes from the earth instead of a… Read more »
Dopamine Driven Sugar Addiction
- By Deborah Schrameck, NC, PT
- September/October 2019
In my practice as a nutrition consultant, I am continually trying to support people in their struggle with foods that sabotage their health goals. In my own life I am constantly battling my own “sugar addiction.” Eating and the desire to eat stimulate different mechanisms in the brain. Dopamine, the neurotransmitter I introduced in the… Read more »
More Veggies Made Easy
- By Lauren Del Sarto
- September/October 2019
We all want to eat more vegetables, but often the effort gets boring. Eating more of the same old thing – salads, sautéed, steamed or roasted veggies – diminishes your enthusiasm and can derail your efforts. The secret is to keep things interesting and easy. Since starting a pescatarian diet in January (primarily vegetables and… Read more »
Meal plans are the number one request I get from new clients who are fed up with dieting. Meal plans are set recipes for days or weeks, measured out and calculated, telling you exactly what to eat and when. Seems like a slam dunk success, right? The dreamy concept of following a done-for-you plan and… Read more »
Exercising on a Ketogenic Diet
- By Michael K Butler B.A.; P.T.A.; CSCS*D; RSCC*D; NMT
- January/February 2019
It seems the hot diet trend these days is the term ketosis. People are losing weight quickly and keeping it off with a great deal of discipline and significant effort. The aim of a ketogenic diet is to keep your body in a metabolic state called ketosis. Our bodies normally burn carbohydrates for energy. When… Read more »
Whether we want to admit it or not, with age comes declining function of every major bodily system we have. The World Health Organization defines the aging population as 60 and older, but symptoms may start to show decades earlier. Common aging concerns should be addressed early when they are typically more manageable – or… Read more »
The old phrase “you are what you eat” is now the center focus of integrative medicine. But sometimes simply eating food is not enough, so we take vitamins to supplement what we may be missing. Another option growing in popularity is nutritional IV therapy which delivers vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients directly into the bloodstream.… Read more »
What is Disordered Eating?
- By Kelly Lewallen, MFT
- September/October 2018
In a nutshell, disordered eating is when an individual’s relationship with food causes problems in their life or that of their loved ones. People are often surprised to find out that what they consider to be a lack of self-control or poor discipline is really “disordered eating,” driven by a part of our brain over… Read more »
“Eat Food. Not Too Much. Mostly Plants.”
- By Megan Goehring
- September/October 2018
That’s it. You have to make a change. Maybe after a routine checkup you discovered your cholesterol or blood pressure were elevated beyond normal. Could be that your clothes pinch and tug in ways you can no longer ignore. Perhaps you’re inspired by a friend’s change in habits and the ensuing tales of increased energy…… Read more »
Nuts about (Young) Coconuts!
- By Dipika Patel
- September/October 2018
Phew. It’s been a very hot summer. Personally, I must be mindful of keeping hydrated to maintain a proactive lifestyle in this scorching heat and humidity. What better thing to help with hydration than fresh young coconuts, to help us transition into fall! Coconuts have become all the rage in the wellness industry from the… Read more »
There are many beautiful lessons woven into historic Italian traditions which continue to be passed down through generations. A few weeks on the Amalfi Coast offered me the opportunity to see firsthand why Italians live longer, better-quality lives than most other nations, despite their blatant enjoyment of wine, pasta, cheese, and pastries on an almost… Read more »
Sulfur, which is present in every cell of our bodies, is the third most abundant mineral in the body and is crucial in forming a variety of sulfate compounds that perform a vast array of biological processes.1 Many experts recognize we are at risk of sulfur deficiency due to diets high in grains, mineral-depleted soils,… Read more »
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