More than 20% of all Americans, approximately 57 million people, consume prescription drugs intended to treat mental health issues including anxiety, depression, and panic disorders. Developing safe, targeted and effective drugs to treat these conditions has increasingly become a struggle for the pharmaceutical industry. As a result, there has been a gradual withdrawal of research… Read more »
Modern Modalities
Craniosacral Therapy
- By Teri Tudor, PT
- January/February 2016
The craniosacral system is comprised of the membranes and cerebrospinal fluid that surround and protect the brain and spinal cord. This system extends from the skull or cranium down to the tailbone or sacrum. Craniosacral therapy (CST) is a gentle hands-on technique that is used to loosen abnormal tensions in this system and surrounding tissues.… Read more »
Floatation Therapy: A Truly RESTful Experience
- By Louise Evans, mCSP, mHPCP, BA, BSc
- November/December 2015
Floatation therapy incorporating restricted environmental stimulation therapy (REST) has fascinated researchers, clinicians and explorers of consciousness for years, promising something special – a powerful transformation, a mystical peak experience, an intense change in biochemicals, improved performance, or a healing of our ills. The soundproof isolation tanks which were first used by John C. Lilly in… Read more »
The ABC’s of Stretch Therapy
- By Lauren Del Sarto
- November/December 2015
Only in the past thirty years has stretching been widely accepted as a valuable part of exercise. In this country, many of us grew up playing sports with little to no stretching warm up or cool down, and for some (amateur golfers and equestrians come to mind), that routine – or lack thereof – continues… Read more »
Medicine from Space: Ozone Therapy
- By Devin Wilson, ND
- November/December 2015
It sounds like something out of an old science fiction movie, but ozone therapy is scientifically valid and used by certified doctors worldwide due to its therapeutic properties. In the United States, there are a small number of doctors trained and certified in ozone therapy. The first ozone generator was patented in 1896 by Nikola… Read more »
Lyme disease is on the rise. Once prevalent only in the northeast, the infectious disease has now been reported in every state in the US, and throughout the world. In 2012, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reported 30,000 cases annually, only to revise that statistic to 300,000 in 2013.1 The probable stats are due… Read more »
Hyperbarics Show Promise for TBI
- By Lauren Del Sarto
- January/February 2015
Every year in the United States, roughly two million individuals sustain traumatic brain injuries (TBI). Approximately 60,000 of these patients die, and the remainder proceed through life with various disabilities. Unfortunately, many of the brain-injured individuals, including a significant number of athletes and soldiers today, live a life of despair and decline in function. TBI… Read more »
Choices for health can be complicated – especially when you have health care practitioners with different opinions and/or the information available is contradictory. This is why it is important for us as consumers to do our research and make informed decisions for ourselves. Such is the case with food sensitivity testing which has become a… Read more »
Hyperbaric Oxygen Aids Osteomyelitis
- By Doris Steadman
- January/February 2014
Osteomyelitis is a serious bacterial infection of the bone which may unexpectedly occur from something as simple as a dental procedure or bone fracture. It is often due to a staphylococci (staph) bacteria that begins in soft tissue and spreads to outer layers of bone, and sometimes the inner bone marrow, by way of the… Read more »
Putting Body Shaping to the Test
- By Lauren Del Sarto
- November/December 2013
Non-invasive body sculpting is the latest craze. In our July August issue, we wrote about a variety of therapies now available, including Exilis, Zerona and CoolSculpting, explaining how each treatment worked. But I was skeptical of both their effectiveness and the longevity of their results. So we decided to put them to the test. Partnering… Read more »
What’s the Skinny on Body Shaping?
- By Lauren Del Sarto
- July/August 2013
Getting rid of those stubborn fat areas – saddlebags, the pooch, love handles – is a lifelong plight for many. So it’s easy to understand the latest weight loss craze, ‘Body Shaping’ or ‘Body Sculpting’ as these therapies promise results for areas you can’t seem to lose with diet or exercise. By flattening or killing… Read more »
It seems common now to hear the phrase “I can’t eat that. I’m allergic,” when out with friends and family. Although people have always had food allergies and sensitivities, the prevalence of negative food reactions has increased significantly over the past ten years. The major causes of negative food reactions are food quality, digestive health,… Read more »
When the topic of genetic testing comes up most people think about determining diseases, paternity or a criminal’s identity. With the completion of the Human Genome Project in 2004, genetic medicine has evolved exponentially. The advances in human genetics allow for preventive health care advice to suit each individual’s unique genetic profile. Patients can now… Read more »
Humans have forever sought eternal youth. The desire to turn back the clock and slow the aging process is the dream of many and an obsession for some. Thanks to research conducted since a 1984 Nobel Prize winning discovery, a growing community of scientists now believe that this dream may be within our reach. “Living… Read more »
Nobody enjoys the little signs of aging we see when looking in the mirror each morning. We spend billions of dollars a year on products and surgeries to help us look and feel younger: hair re-growth products, dyes to hide the grey, anti-wrinkle face and eye creams, cosmetic injections, surgeries and more. Yet none of… Read more »
There is little doubt that health care in the future will be patient centered, personalized and focused on improving function throughout the body and not just addressing symptoms. The days of “one size fits all” treatment plans are coming to an end. Health care is moving away from simply naming a disease and treating the… Read more »
There is a new therapeutic trend growing nationally, which could become very popular for the Desert’s summer residents. It involves whole body ‘chilling’ to relieve achy joints and bones. It’s called Whole Body Cryotherapy and it is as popular in Europe as massage is in the US. The science behind cryotherapy is that it significantly… Read more »
In this issue I want to highlight a tool that is growing in popularity in the fitness community and helps people become stronger and more flexible – the TRX. I have the privilege of working with one of the only Certified TRX trainers in the desert, Nik Obert, so I asked Nik a few questions… Read more »
April is National Autism Awareness Month bringing our focus to this serious condition which affects as many as 1 in 1,000 children nationwide1, as well as their family and friends. While there are no known cures, there is a growing treatment for autism that involves delivering more oxygen to the brain. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT)… Read more »
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) is now a widely accepted, FDA approved – and often life saving – modality. There are currently up to 18 conditions covered by insurance and diabetic wound healing is one of the most common. Diabetic patients are at a greater risk for getting infections and have a more difficult time fighting… Read more »
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