Neurofeedback: An Effective Tool for Mood Disorders

More than 20% of all Americans, approximately 57 million people, consume prescription drugs intended to treat mental health issues including anxiety, depression, and panic disorders. Developing safe, targeted and effective drugs to treat these conditions has increasingly become a struggle for the pharmaceutical industry. As a result, there has been a gradual withdrawal of research… Read more »

Floatation Therapy: A Truly RESTful Experience

Floatation therapy incorporating restricted environmental stimulation therapy (REST) has fascinated researchers, clinicians and explorers of consciousness for years, promising something special – a powerful transformation, a mystical peak experience, an intense change in biochemicals, improved performance, or a healing of our ills. The soundproof isolation tanks which were first used by John C. Lilly in… Read more »

Hyperbarics Show Promise for TBI

Every year in the United States, roughly two million individuals sustain traumatic brain injuries (TBI). Approximately 60,000 of these patients die, and the remainder proceed through life with various disabilities. Unfortunately, many of the brain-injured individuals, including a significant number of athletes and soldiers today, live a life of despair and decline in function. TBI… Read more »

Genetic Testing: A Cornerstone in Modern Preventative Care

When the topic of genetic testing comes up most people think about determining diseases, paternity or a criminal’s identity. With the completion of the Human Genome Project in 2004, genetic medicine has evolved exponentially. The advances in human genetics allow for preventive health care advice to suit each individual’s unique genetic profile. Patients can now… Read more »

Before and after photos of diabetic foot wound healing from Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

Hyberbaric Oxygen Therapy: An Effective (And Underused) Modality for Diabetic Wound Healing

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) is now a widely accepted, FDA approved – and often life saving – modality. There are currently up to 18 conditions covered by insurance and diabetic wound healing is one of the most common. Diabetic patients are at a greater risk for getting infections and have a more difficult time fighting… Read more »