Better Together

Many Americans have developed unhealthy coping mechanisms to combat stress and anxiety caused by the trauma associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. Some of those negative behaviors include eating disorders and alcohol or drug abuse. This addictive pattern is true, especially for women. According to a RAND corporation study during the pandemic, “women have increased their… Read more »

Hello, World!

Are You Ready?

Something strange is happening with my social circle. We finally get the green light to gather, and many don’t want to step outside. Even the most gregarious are experiencing a bit of apprehension at this unleashing we’ve all been anticipating — including me. While excitement to hang out with old friends, support restaurants and return… Read more »

Need Help Getting Your Vaccine?

With information on COVID-19 vaccinations ever-changing, securing an appointment can be challenging for many — especially those with a lack of internet access or technology. Fortunately, there is a new volunteer organization called VAXIE (Vaccinate Inland Empire)  working to connect residents with vaccination resources in the Inland Empire.  To date, VAXIE has booked over 2,200… Read more »

Returning to the Gym Safely

It’s been a very challenging time for our world, especially when it comes to our fitness. Over the past year, individuals and businesses have been trying to adjust to ever-changing CDC recommendations and requirements and attempting to adapt to new and different situations and environments. Many of us have been in lockdown and unable to… Read more »

Coming Together for the Greater Good

Last fall, Christina Green organized 25 local farmers and artisans to deliver a farmers market for the Desert International Horse Park’s seasonal events. Then COVID restrictions changed, and so did the opportunity. In an effort not to let down her vendors, she reached out to local cities to find an alternate location.  The first to… Read more »

Vaccines: Your Questions Answered

In February, Desert Health hosted a livestream with Trilogy at the Polo Club featuring Desert Regional Medical Center’s Director of Pharmacy Services Tim Perlick, PharmD, MHA to answer your questions about vaccinations. As stated in a recent New York Times report, the evidence so far suggests that a full dose of the vaccine — with… Read more »

A Nurse’s Plea

The American Nurses Association deemed 2020 “The Year of the Nurse,” and as the global pandemic continues, nurses and other medical responders continue to be at the forefront of this crisis.  As a nurse working on the COVID floor at a local Coachella Valley hospital, my colleagues and I experience firsthand the drastic effects COVID… Read more »

Vaccinations: Winning Faith, Trust and Credibility

The possibility of control and eradication of the current global pandemic of coronavirus (SARS-CoV2) is now a distinct reality because of two promising vaccines that have shown safe and effective performance in preventing 95 percent of infections in preliminary data of phase 3 trials. How will these vaccines work? Vaccination prepares the human immune system… Read more »

Getting Every Body Moving

There is a new non-profit in the Coachella Valley serving all of Riverside County by offering wellness and sport opportunities for those with disabilities. Palms to Pines Parasports (PPP) was founded in June of last year with the purpose of providing competitive and recreational opportunities for people with disabilities while instilling a lifelong passion for… Read more »

The Parent Trap

Hello, 2021! Boy, are we glad to see you. However, with an unbelievable year behind us, many are still faced with the repercussions of the extraordinary events in 2020; pointedly, the need for families to move in together. Whether you are a recent college graduate or a full household, moving home takes on a whole… Read more »

mentoring the future

New PA Pipeline Team Launches in the Coachella Valley

The Coachella Valley is currently facing a shortage of primary health care professionals, especially those from within our community, and physician assistants are an important resource to meet that need.  OneFuture Coachella Valley (OFCV) is facilitating the launch of a new regional alignment team to address this, with a specific focus on creating awareness of… Read more »

Silver Linings of COVID-19

There comes a point in chaos where finding the silver lining becomes key to coping with it all. This positive focus helps us move forward while continuously facing a multitude of uncertainties. As a doctor specializing in naturopathic medicine with a research background, there have been many silver linings for me. One silver lining is… Read more »