Nutritious Options for All

The Clinton Health Matters Initiative (CHMI) is making significant progress, thanks to the united efforts of numerous Valley organizations and non-profit groups. One of the primary groups within the initiative is the Healthy Eating and Food Quality Workgroup whose goal is to enhance nutritional education and access to healthy food for all members of our… Read more »

Health is a Choice

We often meet people who consider themselves ‘conscious eaters,’ but rarely do we meet someone whose passion is converting others. In her own personal effort to address America’s obesity issues, Registered Dietitian Sarah Gaete is teaching the value of nutrition to as many people as she can. She is passionate about getting others to make… Read more »

Desert Health® Honored with Official Pledge Maker Seal

Desert Health® was recently honored with the Clinton Foundation’s Clinton Health Matters Initiative (CHMI) Official Pledge Maker Seal for their efforts to increase the number of doctors and practitioners volunteering at Coachella Valley’s Volunteers in Medicine (CVVIM). The Desert Health® pledge supports the CHMI goal of increasing access to health care for members of our… Read more »

DESERT HEALTHCARE DISTRICT: Funding Programs that Improve Local Health Care Services

Inspired by the federal government’s Healthy People 2010 program, which encourages fitness and disease prevention, the Desert Healthcare District built The Wellness Park at the corner of Via Miraleste and Tachevah Road in Palm Springs. The beautiful 5-acre park offers a quarter-mile walking/jogging loop with drinking fountains and benches at regular intervals, five exercise/fitness stations,… Read more »

Valley Chosen as Model for Improving Health: Clinton Health Matters Initiative Starts Here

Answering the call for a healthier America, the Clinton Foundation launched the Clinton Health Matters Initiative aimed at improving the well-being of our nation’s population and reducing health care costs associated with preventable disease. And they are doing it one community and one person, at a time. The Coachella Valley is one of the first… Read more »

How Will UCR’s New School of Medicine Benefit Valley Residents?

The Desert Healthcare District (DHCD) recently made a significant investment in the new School of Medicine at the University of California, Riverside. This investment will pay enormous dividends for the Coachella Valley in expanded access to primary medical care and new programs to improve health outcomes in underserved communities. The decision to grant “preliminary accreditation”… Read more »

The Doctor’s Dilemma in Today’s Medicine

Quality versus quantity has always been a dilemma for physicians, but even more so in today’s medical environment. Health care providers now have major decisions to make which will have long and far-reaching effects for how you, the patient, will be treated. A primary care physician’s practice serves approximately 2,000 to 4,000 patients. A doctor… Read more »

Desert Regional Medical Center’s stroke program

DRMC Launches Fellowship Program for Stroke Specialists

Desert Regional Medical Center has launched an expansion of its stroke program which includes new technology and a new medical fellowship program. “Desert Regional Medical Center has crossed the Rubicon in stroke care for our community,” said neurosurgeon Javed Siddiqi, MD PhD, medical director for the hospital’s Institute of Clinical Orthopedics and Neurosciences. “Desert Regional… Read more »

New Health Programs Now Available For Teachers, Students & Parents

Directors of the Desert Healthcare District approved two grants to the Palm Springs Unified School District (PSUSD) and Cielo Vista Charter School (CVCS) for nutrition and fitness programs designed to encourage parent involvement and spur healthier lifestyles for nearly 3,000 Valley students. The District awarded $803,626 to PSUSD to fund its Nutrition Education and Physical… Read more »