These days, many individuals are seeking ways to be calm and in the present, appreciate their lives and develop practices to stay focused. The financial events over the past few years have provided a perfect opportunity to practice these tools. Mindfulness. According to, “Mindfulness is the basic human ability to be fully present,… Read more »
Results for: meditation
If we look at the practice of meditation from a distance, we notice that this process of rebalancing our body, mind and spirit is something natural. In fact, it is the most natural process for us human beings to recharge and recover. It takes place every night while we sleep. We rest our mind and… Read more »
Over the past month, I have seen a surge of patients presenting with anxiety and/or depression in my practice. “I am so scared, scared to go out, scared to be home alone, scared of how I am going to pay my bills, and scared that my family members and friends could die in the next… Read more »
Do you meditate? If you’re like 80 percent of the people asked, your answer is, “I’ve tried it, but can’t make my mind stop.” This meditation myth and a few other common misunderstandings can keep you from learning this very valuable relaxation practice. Today, I’d like to share some good news with you. Meditation is… Read more »
These simply meditation practices work whether you are walking, hiking, riding a bike, or sitting. 1: Grounding & Opening Start by bringing your awareness to the soles of your feet. Visualize these energy centers opening and growing roots deep into the earth, going down and out to stabilize you. Then bring your awareness to the… Read more »
Not that long ago, the word “meditation” conjured up images of ascetics dwelling austerely in Himalayan caves. Today, just about every town in America has a yoga studio which typically offers some form of meditation practice. Until recently, however, no one really knew if meditation could offer consistent, practical benefits, or if it was merely… Read more »
Our military is well trained for the rigors of combat, but many veterans find themselves unprepared for the debilitating post traumatic stress many experience when they return home to their families. Coping with depression, anxiety, insomnia, and flashbacks of war experiences can be overwhelming. In January, Time magazine revealed that the number of male veterans… Read more »
Stalingrad 1942 was one of the most savage battles in military history. My father, a reluctant German infantry soldier (the other option would have been execution) was wounded and sent back from the front. That saved his life and for me, the guide of my life. He never talked about what it was like. Except… Read more »
We know that stress can be detrimental to adult health, but what about children? Significant research now suggests that American children are indeed experiencing stress at new levels: suicides among adolescents have quadrupled since the 1950s; only 36 percent of 7th graders agreed with the statement “I am happy with my life“; and in the… Read more »
I had only heard of Transcendental Meditation™ (TM®) in the George Strait song “All My Ex’s Live in Texas.” Because of these circumstances, he lived in Tennessee, and through transcendental meditation he would return to Texas each night. “But I always come back to myself, long before daylight.” From this country classic, I always thought… Read more »
The world feels different lately, doesn’t it? People are talking about rapid change, heightened emotions and a growing sense that something profound is happening — both within and around us. This conversation, particularly vibrant in spiritual communities, often centers around a concept known as the Earth’s frequency shift. Some call it a journey toward the… Read more »
In today’s fast-spinning world, the ancient practice of yoga offers three transformative gifts that extend far beyond the mat: strength, balance and peace. While many newcomers seek yoga for its physical benefits, long-time practitioners discover that these elements contribute to overall well-being and transform both body and mind. Strength: more than muscle When we think… Read more »
This time of year always reminds me of returning to school. Though it’s been years since I packed my bags and left home for a college campus, the slight rise in temperature continues to invigorate excitement for change, renewal and seeing old friends. It’s the “fall feeling” I look forward to each and every season.… Read more »
Thoughts of yoga often invoke extreme flexibility, contorted limbs, yoga pants, messy buns and mala beads. The practice itself is much deeper, much richer, and can be a tool for living a more mindful life; a life where you never need to touch your toes but only the depth of your own heart. Yoga is… Read more »
Many of us still are not getting enough sleep. Phones and other electronics, binge watching the latest streaming service series, or our never-ending work and family obligations can put quality pillow time on the back burner. Let this article be a friendly reminder of how crucial sleep is for maintaining health. Sleep, diet and exercise… Read more »
As the air begins to cool and sun’s intensity subsides, autumn invites us to shift our energy inward, reflecting the natural world’s preparation for the cooler months ahead. In our modern, fast-paced lives, it’s easy to miss these subtle cues for renewal and introspection. However, by embracing yogic principles and practices, we can align ourselves… Read more »
If you have glimpsed at magazine racks in grocery store check-out lines lately, you know that “anti-inflammation” appears to be the latest and greatest health craze. Yet, anti-inflammation has been at the core of health care for centuries and addressing the cause has always been a core principle of naturopathic medicine. So, while not the… Read more »
Burning, tingling or numbness in your hands or feet coupled with muscle weakness and discomfort are often signs of peripheral neuropathy, a condition that affects over 30 million Americans, typically those over 45.1 Peripheral neuropathy is caused by damage to nerves outside the brain and spinal cord. Diabetes is the most common culprit, but other… Read more »
Albert Einstein understood the power of energy. In his life-changing career as a theoretical physicist, he would prove that energy is in constant motion, is never destroyed (only changes form) and connects everything. When it comes to our well-being, he famously stated, “Future medicine will be the medicine of frequencies.” Energy medicine. Humans are made… Read more »
Today’s cars have come a long way from the classics of yesteryear. Remember all the work it took to keep them running well? Whereas today’s electric cars can even drive themselves. When you think about it, it’s rather similar to our brains and those phones always in our hands. Remember how much we had to… Read more »