Are You Eating Your Healthy Fats?

The controversy over dietary fats began in the 1940s when research started to link high cholesterol with heart disease. High dietary fat was blamed for high cholesterol, and many people avoided all fatty foods – even those that are health-promoting – for decades.  We now understand the relationship between dietary fat intake and cardiovascular disease… Read more »

The Greatest Health Influencer

If you have glimpsed at magazine racks in grocery store check-out lines lately, you know that “anti-inflammation” appears to be the latest and greatest health craze. Yet, anti-inflammation has been at the core of health care for centuries and addressing the cause has always been a core principle of naturopathic medicine.  So, while not the… Read more »

A Guide to Healthy Weight Gain

While health conversations predominantly revolve around weight loss, there is a frequently overlooked group whose goal is to achieve healthy weight gain. This includes athletes or fitness enthusiasts, patients recovering from illness or surgery, some elderly individuals, people with medical conditions that contribute to weight loss (e.g. cancers, gastrointestinal disorders, hyperthyroidism) and those who are… Read more »

Dr. Li’s Eat to Beat Disease

Eat to Beat Disease is a groundbreaking book by a Cambridge, MA based physician who is an expert in angiogenesis, the making of new blood vessels. William Li, MD, is an internist and leads the Angiogenesis Foundation, funded to come up with cancer treatments designed to starve tumors by inhibiting their blood supply (anti-angiogenesis). Dr.… Read more »

Building Healthy Bones Naturally

It’s easy to forget how much we depend on our bones, but if you’ve ever fractured one, then you know better than to take them for granted. Building and maintaining healthy bones is extremely important. Bone is a living tissue, constantly breaking down and rebuilding. If the rate of breakdown exceeds the rate of formation,… Read more »

Food: What the Heck Should I Eat?

It is important news for the healthy nutrition world when Mark Hyman, MD, comes out with a new book. Dr. Hyman is the director of the Cleveland Clinic Center for Functional Medicine and chairman of the board of the Institute for Functional Medicine. He practices and directs the UltraWellness Center in Massachusetts and served as… Read more »

Why You Should Keep Eating Coconut Oil

You’re on board with the modern movement towards a healthier lifestyle. You pride yourself on eating clean and thrive on fresh vegetables and quality protein. You exercise and limit your intake of sugar, carbs, and grains. You eat plenty of healthy fats like avocados and nuts, and use coconut oil as your go-to for cooking,… Read more »

Job Security from the AHA Report on Fats

This last month, the American Heart Association released a Presidential Advisory titled, “Dietary Fats and Cardiovascular Disease.” You may have seen attention-grabbing headlines such as, “ Coconut Oil Isn’t Healthy. It’s never been healthy,” or, “Health Alert: Coconut Oil is Just as Bad as Butter and Beef Fat, Heart Docs Say.” Obviously, the controversy about… Read more »

Death by Food Pyramid

Denise Minger is curious, tenacious, witty and smart. She graduated summa cum laude with a major in English and aspirations of becoming a college professor. Her passion is writing and in school she was drawn to classes that culminated in 40-page research papers because she “deeply enjoyed producing them.” But upon graduating, life took a… Read more »

Eat Fats, Lose Weight: The Ketogenic Mediterranean Diet

Over the past ten years, numerous scientific studies have emerged forcing many doctors and nutritionists to revise their thinking of what is considered a “healthy diet.” Researchers have discovered more about the causes and mechanisms underlying diseases like diabetes, cancer, and arteriosclerosis, and for this reason, many previously held concepts of a healthy food pyramid… Read more »

Why Eat Raw Foods?

Everyone knows it’s healthy to eat fresh fruits and vegetables daily. But did you know that when you prepare fruits, vegetables, and other natural ingredients without cooking or processing, you preserve the maximum nutrition in these foods? This is the concept of consuming “raw foods”; simply put, eating natural food that is unprocessed, unrefined, and… Read more »

Achieving Healthy Cholesterol Naturally

Today many are concerned about high cholesterol numbers. However, cholesterol is necessary for brain function, hormone production, mineral assimilation, bone function, metabolism, energy production and a healthy immune system. It is the building block of fat soluble vitamins A, D, E and K. Every cell membrane is made up of cholesterol (and saturated fats) which… Read more »